

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I've just been to the toilet and noticed alot of brown blood. I know this is old blood and so I shouldn't panic but I've had stomach cramps off and on all night. Should I wait til 9 and phone my midwife or just phone the hospital now? We don't have an epu but there is a normal maternity ward.
I'm 14 weeks, thought I'd got past this stage. :cry:
is your placenta low laying? when i had my scan she didnt tell me where mine was.. hope your ok.
I started bleeding yesterday,...lots of very thin, chocolate brown blood (tmi)... I also had a scan yesterday and they said that the placenta was lying just on the edge of my cervix and that my uterus was contracted. I've been told I have to be on complete bed rest (its so BORING :x ) We are going to see the midwife (well my husband is...) depending on her advice we might go to the hospital.

I've had a few cramps too...more like sharp pains at the period pains. The best thing to do is go and lie down and do absolutely nothing. Speak to the midwife and follow her instructions. But certainly don't move around much.
How are you babes? Have you got check out yet? Let us know how you get on xx
Just got back from the hospital where they gave me a scan. Heart was beating fine and the growth was ok too. They said that often people have bleeds and no-one knows why. (Which is silly in this day and age I think)
But at least it's ok. I have to go for an antiD injection after they get it sent from somewhere as I'm rhesus neg and the baby could be positive, but other than that it's all good and we got to see the baby again :dance:
Thank-you for all the advice and kind thoughts :hug:
oh yay i'm glad everything is okay hope you are relaxing now hun :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Oh im glad baby is ok hun :D I've read somewhere that bleeding is common in pregnancy if your Rhesus Neg so maybe thats whats caused the bleed hun? x

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