Help with sleeping??

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone has any tips on getting a good sleep. I have not been sleeping well at all, got sent home from work yesterday and off sick today because ive not slept and its making me feel absolutely terrible. I feel like I am getting the flu, the tiredness is that bad. Help!! x
Sending you big :hugs:
I was finding it hard to sleep a few weeks ago, i tried sleeping with a spare pillow inbetween my legs, it helps alot hun x x

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Hello! I'm sorry to say that it's probably just one of those crappy symptoms! Lol. In tri 1 I seriously couldn't get over the way I felt, sleepy one min but couldn't sleep, sick all the time, so strange! I would just lay in a dark room and try and relax even if you don't sleep. Then your osy may take you off to sleep! X
get ur self into a routine, like bath with relaxing radox, then a hot chocolate, and make sure its pitch black when u go to bed hope it works for yah!
Thanks for the tips ladies. Just feeling sorry for myself today, morning sickness kicking in. Cant wait until this part of pregnancy passes x
It's really not that pleasant is it?! I thought I was dying in tri 1 and that's no exaggeration lol x
Its not pleasant at all. A couple of weeks ago I was desperate for symptoms so it would feel more real lol. Now i feel like i have a permanent hangover!!! haha x
First trimester with my DD I was so tired all of the time (I worked full time then), I bought one of those super long pregnancy pillows and it really helped. I got it in argos, think it was around £20.00

I haven't got that super tired feeling yet this time round fortunately, but I am hoping that this time if I do get it it will be more managable being a SAHM.

Hope you feel better soon sweetie xxx
Oh I really feel for you I'm 9 weeks and I'm waking at all hours, I wake up if I'm too hot cause I feel sick, I wake up if my OH moves around the bed and I wake up if I'm too cold. I'm going wi the if I can't sleep I read for a bit, if I feel sick I eat the biscuits that I now have in a box next to the bed and if I'm not comfy in our bed I go and sleep in the spare room - which seems to work best of all :( Not helpful but I'm tempted to get one of those big pillows that the other guys are raving about!!!

Hope u feel btr soon xxxx
I'm not sleeping great either but I'm shattered all the time. Think I've been going about in a daze for weeks lol. I'm also thinking about getting one of those pillows.

Hope you feel better soon

X x x x
When people say that have morning sickness, I thought surely its not that bad. I then got it and I thought id been struck by death!! No lie! I even contemplated the pregnancy, I was going mad then go I didnt mean it lol. You'll probably go through a faze when you wont be that tired yet you'll suffer from extreme sickness and then I found when my sickness went it was just replaced by ridiculous amounts of sleeping. Im 11 weeks 4 days and I from 2pm until 5 earlier. I usually sleep around 2-3 hours in the day if i have the time. Its your body adjusting and once the placenta takes over you'll feel that sort of balance. Lots of luck with your sicnkess.

I agree with LouLou1986. Just have a nice relaxing bath each night or chill and read a book maybe, doze off to the tv?

Good luck hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Its not pleasant at all. A couple of weeks ago I was desperate for symptoms so it would feel more real lol. Now i feel like i have a permanent hangover!!! haha x

Exactly this! I was dead excited for the sickness to start but the novelty has well worn off now!
Thanks guys! Yeah i think I might invest in one of those pillows as i wake up all achey cos ive had a horrible sleep. Im staying off work for a couple more days to try and help me feel better. I was sick for the first time this morning, why oh why did i wish for morning sickness. Only wished for it cos i seen on a website that theres less chance of mc which is ridiculous when you think about it! x
I have really bad sleeping too. I lay down absaloutly nakered then find that im lying there for maybe two or three hours with my eyes closed just unable to sleep then the only way i know if i have slept is if i have a dream, cause when i wake up i feel even worse than thee day befrore!

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