Message for Sparkols,
I'm very sorry to hear your news, folk can empathise, but you can't possibly know how it feels until you've been through it yourself - which myself and so many others have. And it sounds as if you had days of agonising over whether the signs were sinister or not. The huge sense of loss & dissappointment, the emotional emptiness. There is absolutely nothing you could have done to stop it happening, the first 16 weeks are so cruel & fraught with uncertainty.
And the thought of going through it all again, only to worry if you'll miscarry again, all seems too much at the moment. I fell pregnant again almost immediately after my D&C (after TTC for almost 2 years), and had a very hard time getting my head around it - but the 6wk stage passed, then heavy bleeding at 10wks, then lots of aches & pains, then a healthy, normal delivery on the exact due date. It's an abosolute roller coaster, but never give up - because at the end of it all, the depth of your love knows no bounds!