help soon would be great :S


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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I'm getting random Sharp pains that last about 5 mins each time, its really bad pain.
Starts at pelvic area and travels to ribs sometimes.
I had an early scan last week and everything is ok.
The pain can be on either side.
Could it be stress? I'm in a rather high stress situation atm so I don't know.
Please can someone help?
It could be growing pains hunny, I had them for a few weeks on and off and I get alot of stress daily worrying about stuff and coping with Bf being a tit. I had a scan last week and all was fine hunny. If your worried ring your doctors or hospital or go to A + E in the morning to rely your concerns x
I don't even know where the nearest hospital is to here.
I'm not at home. Don't know where I am exactly.
I've got a bed until 10am. But yeah.
Would nhs direct be any help? I'm just so worried, I couldn't cope if anything
Went wrong, spesh after the day I've had. :'(

Thanks for replying ladies x
I had pains like that too, I've had them a few times during this pregnancy and everything has been fine, its always best just to get it checked out tho hun x
You could give the NHS hotline a ring hunny, have you seen your midwife yet? I rang my hospital midwife section and talked to them who said if pain is breathe taking to come down and get checked out as it could be ectopic x
Thanks. I think I might give them a call.
Otherwise I know I won't sleep tonight.
Also, can you get folic acid from pharmacy, not prescription
I left all mine at home and don't know when I'll
Be back.
sounds bowle related hun having pains like that and i cant eat a full meal especially chicken with out being doubled up and having to run to the loo ...feels like contractions
it could just be everything shifting around in your tummy making room for what is about to happen. As long as you are not bleeding at the same time as cramping you should be ok :hugs:
You don't need a prescription for folic acid, you'll be able just to buy it.
definately ring nhs direct - it'll reassure you. Stress isn't good for baby! I'm sure everything's alright, especially if there's no bleeding.
Hope you're feeling better soon!!! x
thanks everyone :)
the pains are mostly gone now, and there is no blood, just the usual gross discharge :(
also, ive decided to come back home so i have my folic acid now!

i cant eat much either chantilly, im never hungry, and when i am hungry, im full after a few mouthfuls. im worried about the baby not getting enough nutrition.
Well stress won't help you hunny so if possible you need to deal with that and try to calm down.

Chances are the pains are stretching ligaments and these can be quite painful and frightening. Maybe give your midwife or gp a ring and ask their advice for peace of mind.....also ask them to help you de-stress a bit

Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxx
They defo sound like stretchiing pains. I used to get loads with my first, but I found them reassuring. Just think of it that yourr body is getting ready for a growing baby, it's doing what it should do and find reassurance in that xxxx

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