HELP!!! Redundancy and Mat pay


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Hey ladies,

A long shot but wondered if any of you have been in the same situation??

Basically, I work for Jane Norman and as some of you may know it has gone into administration. Today some of the stores were bought by a new company and a few concessions (in Debenhams and Beales) are in a "transitional period". My concession is included in this, the new company are trying to make a deal with the host stores about costs of rent etc but if they cant agree on anything they will shut these concessions down meaning the staff will be made redundant. So at the min we have no idea as to where we stand. I'm due to start 3 weeks holiday in just over 2 weeks then my mat leave would start at a rate of 90% for 6 weeks after this followed by SMP of £129. I was just wondering if anyone knows what I would be entitled to if I wasto made redundant? As we are counting on my holiday pay etc

Also to add fuel the fire! We wont be getting paid on Thursday so have no money for travel, food, bills, rent etc! let alone providing for my baby boy!! :(

So stressed!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure I just wanted to say I'm feeling for you and I really hope everything works out for you! Good luck xx
Thank you! Just so worried about everything which isnt good for me or little man. My OH has moved away to start a new job and i was supposed to be joining him in 3 weeks and we were relying on my holiday and 90% mat pay to keep us afloat and pay bills etc til he got sorted. Argghhh!! :(
I commented in your other thread that you will get stat mat pay as long as you have been there 26 weeks by your 25th week of pregnancy. You may already know that know. The government pays mat pay. Happened to me and was given in a lump sum. Hope this helps x
My friend was made redundant while pregnant and still got her maternity pay, she took a voluntary redundancy though and was already on maternity leave at the time.
I think it all depends on what happens to the company if it goes into administration properly then I dont know but if the new company buys out then I guess it depends on their policy. Remember you have a lot of rights as a pregnant woman so maybe go to the CAB?
hi just popped over from tri 1 but just wanted to say i was in a similar position when pg with ds the company got brought out and our place got shut down i ended up getting my redundancy package, last week wages plus any holiday pay and all my maternity money in 1 hit the worst thing was that i ended up paying tax on my maternity money where i probably wouldn't if i had been getting it weekly!
if you look on it will tell you what redundancy money they have to pay you depending on how long you have worked there hope all works out well for you x
Hey hun the your government maternity pay should replace your works maternity pay if you are made redundant!
They look at the tax u jar paid from 2010-2011 and if you've been working , you should still get the full amount for 39 weeks !

Call te job centre and ask for the maternity allowance tel phone no. There's a team dedicated to it there who should be able to explain it to u x
Thanks ladies for your replies! Still no news as to whether we still have jobs or not. Was told on weds we would receive letters by friday. Friday has come and gone, spoke to someone last night and the letters were never even sent! From what i have gathered, i will lose out on my 3 weeks holiday as not entitled to it anymore but will still be able to claim my mat pay/allowance. Still no wages for june though, so bank charges etc to come in due course. its disgusting that we have no money to feed ourselves yet weare expected to still continue to travel to work and provide good customer service!

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