
Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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Hi Everyone.

Need some help.

I decided to give OPKs a bash this week. I dont chart! (I am going to give it a shot next month), anyway I do keep an eye on my CM and I also use mymonthlies website predict when am most fertile based on CM and the length of my cycle only. Because I dont temp they just give me a rough 5 days where i must ovulate during. These 5 days are from Friday 5th January to Tuesday 9th January. They think according to my CM and cycle length i most probably ovualte during these days.

This appears correct to me as its when I feel yuk, and hormones flying plus the CM to back this up.

Anyway I decided to use the OPKs from Day 7 on my cycle everyday until I got a positive. I think it says on the pack you get a positive and then it means in the next 24/48 hours u should ovulate/ Well here I am on Day 15 and still not got a positive but my CM seems spot on for ovulating along with my mood swings. I also have had wee twinges in the bottom of my back which my doctor said is usually a sign of ovulation.

TOday i noticed speckled blood when I wiped. But still not had a positive on my OPKs. Should I continue to use the OPKs until I get a positive? I am thinking now maybe i dont ovulate until later in my cycle? Which I could relate to as for the past 16 months I dont have as much BD after about Day 17.

I also ALWAYS have a regular 29 day cycle.

What do you guys think?
Keep doing the opks I would say- your body may be preparing but not yet o'd. Good luck with the charting when you start :hug:
keep going with the OPK's. I'm on cd17 and have not had my positive yet so am hoping it'll come in next couple of is what "fertility friend" descibes as watery so should be sometime soon. Last month I had a 29 day cycle and did not get a positive OPK until cd17 so its quite possible you've not ov'd yet.

Also I don't know what time you test but I know that for some people it can be better to test twice a day i.e. late morning and evening as for some people their LH surge (which is what OPks measure) is quite short lived.

unless ur suffereing from a short luteal phase then u should ovulate around day 14/15 as its always 14 days before your period if your'normal' lol not that i dont think anything about this whole ttc is normal ! it will be so much clearer when u chart your temp !
I disagree G3M... I read that anything from 12-14 days luteal phase is normal and you should only be concerned if its less than 10 days,

which would mean there are still a couple of potential ovulation days if her cycle is going to be her normal length,

or it maybe that she's got a slightly delayed ovulation this month and her cycle will be slightly longer.

I say keep going for another few days at least!
Thanks chellie I am going to continue right until I ovulate, Because I have been referred to a fertility clinic one of the minor tests that my GP did was an ovuation test via blood, and it came back that I was ovulating. So am just going to have to continue using the OPKs until I get a positive like you said maybe it will still be afew more days time.

I did abit of chart stalking on other peoples from different websites and I have found so far 12 people who ovulate on Day 19/Day 20 who have the same 29 day cycle lenght as me so it has kind of put my mind at ease.

Thanks everyone
I've started using them too, (always said i wouldn't! :roll: )
Worried now should i be doing it 2x daily as i am only testin once every other day about midmorning.

Am confused now!
I have been testing about t-time every day. I havent been doing twice a day.
LH surge is only short lived so most packs recommend testing once per day, however some peoples LH surge lasts less than 24 hours so testing the same time each day might mean you'd miss'd probably still get a line on your OPK but it wouldn't be as dark as the control line so it would be classed as negative.

Hope that makes sense and is of some help
my tests say that if two lines appear no matter how faint then it is still a positviie
what make are they...all the ones i've looked at the line has to be equal or darker than the control line.

sounds like they might be easier to use as no need to judge the colour of the lines.
can't see a make on them anywhere..
so i'd be better testing daily do you think?
Chellie I tested again later on yesterday evening and I got 2 lines coming up - of course the control line was darker but it was the first time since testing since day 6/7 that I have had 2 lines appear.

I just did a test now and again 2 lines have appeared but control line is darker grrr will carry on testing to see if i ever get a positive with the 2nd line being darker

I got a full blown positive on my OPK an hour ago!!!! YAY :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So chellie your right am ovulating later on in my cycle as oppose to Day 12/14
Yay for you!! at least you know when you're ovulating now. glad i was able to help.

I'm still waiting for a positive. was a possibility of a very faint line there today but know if i'm just imagining it to be there cos i want it to be! i'll just have to wait and see!

Goodluck xx

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