Help Please - Flying tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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Help - surprise trip by OH to Florence, was going to be just him and me but I wouldnt leave bubs so she is coming too!!

We have a bugaboo Cameleon which only folds down into two separate things, pushchair and base, will this be okay or do you think I should go and try and get a c heap all in one pushchair that folds down, I dont know when we get to the plane where they get taken, could it get lost in the holdall or will they know where they have placed it???

Also once through security do you think I can fill my flask of hot water for feeds etc.... or will they not like that???

Hi, I think you go on the plane first and put the pushchair on then so I imagine it will be fine. I'm sure you can fill up the flask once you're through security as you can buy drinks then too. Have a lovely trip xxx
Oh who are you flying with? I personally wouldn't risk a bugaboo! They may charge you extra if it's in two parts depending on who you fly with. Also it's fine to fill up bottles before security, either with just water or formula made up, they might make you taste 50% of the bottles, my OH just squirted a couple of drops on his wrist and tasted it, they were happy with that. Anything after security is fine as they done all the safety checks, so if you have a flask to heat bottles up you could fill it there, they wont check again before getting on the plane. PM me if you like, we've been on three flights so far, all different ways of doing things!
Thanks for that, it making me nervous, will put her milk formula powder in separate pots measured out and when the otherside of the security get some hot water to fill it up.

We are going with Meridian or something like that, I have never heard of them! I am bit wary of how baby friendly |Florence is with baby changing facilities but we shall see!!
I'm sure you'll have a great time, have you perfected the art of changing a baby on your knee? I have done it a couple of times in a normal toilet, or take he pushchair into a disabled toilet and stick the changing mat under her while still in the pushchair (probably easier in the cheaper pushchairs), if there are no baby changing facilities of course.
How old is she?
She is 6 months. Thanks was wondering what to do about changing her was thinking would have to trek back to the hotel each time, either that or have a smelly baby!
Aw, she'll be fine then! We changed Ross in his pushchair a couple of times, just found somewhere discreet to do it and was fine, saves them getting wee sore bums too!
Enjoy your holiday!!

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