Help please, baby cold!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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My nearly 3 month old little girl has had a horrible cold and little cough for the last couple of days, she slept for ages last night went to sleep an hour early and woke up an hour later, she's still quite happy but sleeping loads and only taking 3oz of her bottle instead of her usual 5oz. She did wake up in the morning and have about 10oz though!!
I'm going to head into boots is there anything else I can do? X
Two things, buy nasosal spray for her nose to unblock it as that's why she's drinking less probably. And you can get snuffle babe vapour rub for her chest which will help her breathe better too.

I know how you feel luv my son is absolutely choked with it just now x

My lovely little man Spencer 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Same here!!! Poor wee thing. Having to wake her to feed. Mw came today and said for babies under 3 months you can only use nasal drops (salt water ones) and that's about it. She's so snuffly :-( I also took her in tje bathroom while I had a hot shower this morning.
Hope all our LOs feel better soon xx
Put the snuffle babe on her feet before bed under her sleep suit. I swear by it and so do a lot of people, it really works. Calpol plug in too xx

Kaiden Stanley 27/09/12- the missing piece of mine & daddy's jigsaw is now complete. You are my life xXx
Nasal spray and olbas oil for kids is what we use. Just check her temperature and if she has a temp or looks like she's really struggling give her something like calpol.

Going off milk is normal - Think about it you don't want to eat much when you feel rotten! Keep offering her little and often and she'll take what she needs.
I second the snuffle babe on the feet idea.

Cays had a stuffy-overnight nose for a while now, to the point it would wake him in the night all drippy at the back and bunged up at the front.

After reading on here a couple of days ago about the feet, I tried it. It hasn't eradicated the problem entirely, but he's back to through the night now, and only has a small crust at the edges of his nostrils in the morning xx
I third snufflebabe and calpol vapour plug in. My LO has had a cold for about 10 days now - its clearing up but he has a horrible cough left behind...tixylix to the rescue :) xx
Put the snuffle babe on her feet before bed under her sleep suit. I swear by it and so do a lot of people, it really works. Calpol plug in too xx

Kaiden Stanley 27/09/12- the missing piece of mine & daddy's jigsaw is now complete. You are my life xXx

defo on her feet! we have been doing this with Freya for over a week now. She is struggling to get rid of this cold. But since we started putting snufflebabe on her feet she has slept so much better. We have stopped using the Calpol plug in, as we were using 2 tablets a night, and its £5 for 5!! yikes
Put the snuffle babe on her feet before bed under her sleep suit. I swear by it and so do a lot of people, it really works. Calpol plug in too xx

Kaiden Stanley 27/09/12- the missing piece of mine & daddy's jigsaw is now complete. You are my life xXx

defo on her feet! we have been doing this with Freya for over a week now. She is struggling to get rid of this cold. But since we started putting snufflebabe on her feet she has slept so much better. We have stopped using the Calpol plug in, as we were using 2 tablets a night, and its £5 for 5!! yikes

The calpol inserts are a little ££ - but I found that 1 did 2 nights quite nicely..?? Turned it on for 12 hours each night. xx
Thankyou everyone! Where can I buy this snuffle babe?? Xx

ASDA on the shelf, not the pharmacy xx

Kaiden Stanley 27/09/12- the missing piece of mine & daddy's jigsaw is now complete. You are my life xXx
Snuffle babe and calpol plug in recommended here too!

In fact we had the best nights sleep we had in ages.

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