Morning all
I am after a bit of advice, my LO has this week started to sleep for longer periods through the night, she has slept for 5 to 6 hour blocks for 4 nights this week which has been great. Last night she was asleep by 21
0 as usual and slept right through until I woke her at 06
0 this morning. Id been awake for an hour wondering what on earth was going on!!
I fed her 5oz at just gone six and she has gone straight back to sleep and is completely zonked now as I type. ive even had to change her nappy whilst she is sleeping in her moses basket.
should I be worried or should I just enjoy it whilst it lasts????? I think maybe it is due to her not really having a nap yesterday at all, she usually has at least a good four hours sleep in the day and didnt sleep yesterday at all. could this be why shes so sleepy and is just catching up??? or could she be ill, ive just had a stinking cold?? she hast got a temp at all. what do you think?? am I just being paranoid??
I am after a bit of advice, my LO has this week started to sleep for longer periods through the night, she has slept for 5 to 6 hour blocks for 4 nights this week which has been great. Last night she was asleep by 21

I fed her 5oz at just gone six and she has gone straight back to sleep and is completely zonked now as I type. ive even had to change her nappy whilst she is sleeping in her moses basket.
should I be worried or should I just enjoy it whilst it lasts????? I think maybe it is due to her not really having a nap yesterday at all, she usually has at least a good four hours sleep in the day and didnt sleep yesterday at all. could this be why shes so sleepy and is just catching up??? or could she be ill, ive just had a stinking cold?? she hast got a temp at all. what do you think?? am I just being paranoid??