help :o(


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Have things changed between you and ur parnters/husbands since having children?
Leahs 7 months and for the last few weeks me and rob havnet been getting on at all - and tonight we split :cry: im crying my eyes out, we both LOVE each other sooo much but we just arent happy. Rob says iv changed since having leah - which is obv cos all my attention is on her now and i have to share my love between her and rob.
I become really paranoid also since having leah and prob pushed rob away, i hate it when his 17yr old girly friends (we are both 21) txt him cos their all flirty with him - i read his msg when he doesnt look :oops: i know, thats childish.
I just want some advice really - sorry if this doesnt mk any sense,
Oh Tori im sorry its ended up like that for you both, ive just split with my OH 4 days ago too, hes definately changed since having Kaiden, he basically trys to rule my life and treats me like crap. I spoke with my mate today and she was almost in tears, her OH and her wer always rock solid and she was wanting to leave him too but felt she had no where to go, her baby is about 7 months now too. Some guys just cant cope well at all with Kids taking 1st place in priority, I hope you guys can work something out soon, good luck with whatever you decide to do :hug: XkelX
sorry to hear your news mate. Things must be really hard for you right now.

It's a funny one really I think babies will either make or break a relationship, luckily for me they made it better, but it has been hard. And you can't help but change when you have a baby, whether you are a man or a woman and that is not your fault.

I understand you wanting to check his messages, you must want to feel secure at the moment and he is not helping. If you ask me he is the one being childish - not you! He needs to grow up and think about things and who knows maybe he will and it's maybe this is happening for the best.

Good luck, wish i could help more. :hug:
it is really hard i remember when i had nathan i didnt really know how to feel about OH he goes from being the love of your life to something else as the baby takes over. it took me months to reevaluate our relationship and get back to normal. having a baby is really all consuming.
i went through an insecure phase too but OH was really reassuring.
anyway :hug:
I think lots of couples go through a hard time just after having a baby. Although you are both keen to have children the reality of having to look after another human being 24/7 is very demanding and tiring on both you. I wish you both well and I really hope things work out for you both.

Its really hard once having a baby, Bernie and i still have our moments.
I hope it all works out for you hun :hug: maybe just need some time apart to think things through
one minute they are the love of your life and the next they get pushed aside for a minature person who cant walk talk or do anything for themselves, i think men find it hard that we women constantly nag about the fact that they dont put the toilet seat down make enough brews clean up after themselves yet we are more than happy to wipe our childs bums jump at their first whimper and basically let them dictate everything too us. Men I think are very insecure and jealousy can get so overwhelming. I do admit it must be hard for them to realise that they will never ever come close to how you feel about your baby, but still instead of taking it like a man they dont (do they ever) im sorry that in this case hun it hasnt worked out for you but maybe theres still; a chance if you talk, I admit that OH has been so neglected since Alfie came along but then again it is true it can either bring you together or tear you apart, i look at Ian completely different to what i did before but alot of it is because hes changed too although i believe his is for the better (trust me he couldnt of got any worse) i hope theres a chance you can work it out hun xxx :hug:

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