Help-night times are a nightmare :0(

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I cant believe I am posting this-we have been sooooooooooo lucky ith Rubys sleep so far. She was in a routine from day one in her on cot etc and slept through from 7 weeks 7.30pm-7am.

The past few months she has been waking in the night every couple of nights but the last 6 weeks have been dreadful. It started with her scarlet fever, 2 weeks of sleepless nights, and then a week on holiday she was a bit unsettled as she was in a travel cot in our room so woke every night. the past few weeks since we got back, we have had 2 nights where she has slept until 5am but the other nights its 3 or 4 times she cries.

I usually settle her with milk or calpol (she is cutting a back tooth) but its exhausting now. I work full time and I am finding it hard to concentrate during the day. OH gets up with me bu she wont settle for him, she wants me so I have to settle her which means 15 or so minutes at a time.

She loves her sleep, and did na 2 hours in morning, and 1-2 hours in afternoon but we have droped her afternoon nap now which doesnt help. She doesnt nap at all in nursery wednesday and fridays but that doesnt help-she still wakes......

OH and I are bickering constantly-we are both knackered and confused why things have changed so much.

Feel bad moaning as we have been lucky until now but I cant help feel it something I am doing wrong :(

Should we try controlled crying??? :think:
aw sorry to hear you've been having trouble sweetie :hug: :hug:
i think you should try controlled crying..Hayden started this when he came home from a stay on hospital a few months ago- i think obviously being a bit older than when we got him into his routine (and waay too clebver for my likeing :wink: ) picked up on the fact if he cried he would get attention and he liked it- so he carried on trying it- i know its hard to hear them crying but i had to re-teach him that he doesnt get his own way by crying- obviously its a different case if there is something wrong/shes in pain..but you know best..i mean i can usually figure out from his cry or just by peeking in his room if there is actually something up or if hes just playing me!!

hope this helps hun :hug: it should only take a few weeks maximum to get her settled back in if this is the case!

Maybe its an age thing cos Nathan started waking in the night about 2 months ago :evil: He has always been up really early in the morning but now he also wakes up between 12 and 2 and can be crying anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. I was giving him milk but that's stopped working so now we do controlled crying which isn't working that well. It worked great on Aimee who woke every night but Nathan only wakes probably 2-3 times a week so its not working. Nathans cutting his back teeth too, maybe there's a connection :think:
Our little boy was waking up at least once a night until he was about ten months old. At that point me and DH agreed that we could not go on like that as we were both exhausted. We decided to try controlled crying. The first night our little boy cried for 1 hour straight. It was hard not to go in and see him but we persevered. The next night he cried for about 45 mins. The third night he slept through completely 7.30pm-8am. He has slept through since then and we have even been on holiday with him and his routine stayed the same although he was ill and did wake during the night but returned to his routine when he got better.

I would definitely recommend controlled crying as it has worked really well for us.
Thanks girls xxxxxxxxx

Had better night last night-she woke 11pm and settled with some dentinox teething gel and a few ounces of milk...she went through until 6am, had her morning milk and then slept until 7.30am :dance:

I dread going to bed at the moment, as I just expect her to wake up...

Going to start the controlled cring this weekend, as we are both off for the Bank Holiday.

Shall keep you updated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
luke didn't sleep thru regularly til he was 11 months old and HV told us not to settle him with milk as hes not usually used to milk in the night at that age and they seem to pick up habits very quickly, you don't want her waking expecting milk. however teething is horrible i have every sympathy with you zoe, good luck and hope you get your sleep back soon x

p.s not sure if its just luke but he responds better to ibuprofen then he does calpol especially for teething as its an anti inflammatory. x

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