Little background. Last month/cycle I got a new job so we put the breaks onto TTC. On cycle days 19,20 and 21 of July I had spotting, never had It mid cycle before. That cycle was 29 days.
This month Af lasted 5 days in total from July 31st to August 4th. Then today I woke Up and went to the toilet, wiped and there was a lot of blood. I'd say it was like I was mid way through af with the amount of blood I wiped away, wasn't on my sheets though. Definitely not spotting. I'm currently on cd22
So this is the second cycle where I have bled mid way through my cycles. I'm confused as to what this may mean. Any help appreciated
This month Af lasted 5 days in total from July 31st to August 4th. Then today I woke Up and went to the toilet, wiped and there was a lot of blood. I'd say it was like I was mid way through af with the amount of blood I wiped away, wasn't on my sheets though. Definitely not spotting. I'm currently on cd22
So this is the second cycle where I have bled mid way through my cycles. I'm confused as to what this may mean. Any help appreciated