Natural mamma

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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Hey Ladies
I start Uni in a couple of weeks and need my LO to take a bottle once a week for the day. I want to continue B/F until she is ready to wean herself. Problem is i've tried, tommee tippee's closer to nature......avent....Dr Browns....a soft spout cup...nothing works...she just messes and plays with a nuk teat. We tried today to get my OH to give her the bottle well she screamed for an was awful i had to come into the room and B/F her.
She is very slow on the uptake with solids too...not like my others...she is just such a booby girl...i dread going to uni, it will really upset me....

HELP Any advice gladly tried :pray:
How about a normal cup? Just hold it to her mouth? Thats what I did with willow when she was fussing about taking a bottle. We only had to do it a few times then she took the tommee tippee closer to nature quite happily
I have tried a normal cup... she was keen but it went EVERYWHERE...I worry about her need to continue to suckle though....i think its important she has that comfort....

I am really beginning to stress about leaving her. I cannot bear the thought.

Hopefully she'll get the hang of it.
shes 6 months now? is she eatting? perhaps try a beaker type bottle.. how long are you away from her for when you are in uni?
You might find she just won't take milk when you are not there...lil miss isn't a big fan of milky without a mummy attached to it... so when I am at work she takes some but not a lot from a cup. The thing is perseverance. Just keep offering her the cup... it will be easier when you are not around, because she will have no choice, she will either take the cup or not and eventually she will get the idea that there isn't a mummy and a boob to give her when she throws a paddy at the cup. But what you will find which is common with booby babies is that she will reserve her milk feeds to when you are around, making up for the ones she misses when you are not :) Which is totally fine. This is what lil miss does and she really does make up for it when I am around. :rotfl:

If I were you, I'd a)try not to fret to much, I was really worried when I went back to work as it was everyday for over 6 hours a day ... but lil miss coped brilliantly and the welcome home feed became really exceptional and wonderful experience, it was her saying "Oh mummy I'm so glad you've come home."... and b)try to arrange her solid meal times around the times when you are at uni, that way she won't be so hungry for milk..and get her to have juice/water in a cup while you are not around to keep her fluids up... you will probably find she is more receptive to juice/water in a cup than milky... With booby babies, I lot of feeding is wrapped up in feeling comforted in mummy's arms.

Tbh, throw the bottles away at this stage... do it now before she really knows what a bottle is, and just push on with the cups... :)
Squigs advice sounds good to me, as always, just wanted to send you these :hug: :hug: :hug: , it must be so hard to leave them, I thank my lucky stars I dont have to yet, but I am sure you will both be fine once you find a new little routine :hug:
hello you! Hope you are well.
I agree with squiglet, and it's going to be a case of keeping at it. I wouldn't want milk from a bottle if there was a nice booby. She'll get the hang of it when you aren't there to give in to her :hug:
Thankyou so much..for the sound advice.....I have noticed that in the day my boobs are fuller as she is having solids then. And without knowing it i have timed them for when i am at uni. I will have to leave her Daddy a list of all this advice as he gets brain freeze when she starts screaming bless him.

Since her tantrum on Saturday, she seems older and like she knows change is it did her good. She i like to not let my wee ones cry, i anticipate it and prevent it !!! that has been my instinct, but it seriously has made her grow up a bit !!

I do feel better now phew!! :)

thanks again
Sorry I'm a bit late with this but I got "breast flow" bottles, Riley has only tried them twice so far, and both times he seemed to get the hang of it pretty quick. They have an inner and an outer teat which is supposed to mimic the breast so they don't just suck to get milk out, they have to kind of chomp too, like when breastfeeding.
Also the teat goes far in their mouth, like the breast.
Hello hun, i thought you had dissapeared for good! :hug:

No idea re the feeding as Morgan takes bottle and boob but good to see you back. :cheer: :rotfl:
kellysomer said:
Hello hun, i thought you had dissapeared for good! :hug:

No idea re the feeding as Morgan takes bottle and boob but good to see you back. :cheer: :rotfl:
Ahh thanks lovely no not gone just very busy...but at least i know where to come for friends and sound advice x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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