For the past few nights have been trying to get Niamh to take EBM from bottle but she just plays with it in her mouth, pushes it out then screams so I feel guilty and give her boob. Both me and OH have tried to no avail. FWIW am using the tommee tippee back to nature bottles. Please have some advice, I need her to take a bottle for when I go back to work!
I have tried a variety of teats including the variflow and the only one she took it with was the NUK bottles, and that was when my mum was doing it. Unfortunately, my mum lives 150 miles away and was only here for the weekend! Now I'm back to square 1 with her screaming every time. It's breaking my heart. Can anyone help??
I have tried a variety of teats including the variflow and the only one she took it with was the NUK bottles, and that was when my mum was doing it. Unfortunately, my mum lives 150 miles away and was only here for the weekend! Now I'm back to square 1 with her screaming every time. It's breaking my heart. Can anyone help??