Help me!!!


New Member
Aug 20, 2015
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I had unprotected sex on 25th May with an ex following a breakup with my partner. I had actually started my period on 24th May so was on day 2 during the time of intercourse. I then got back together with my partner and I believe we had unprotected sex on or around 5th June, (can't remember the exact date). I took a pregnancy test on 3rd July which confirmed I was more than 3 weeks pregnant. I already have a child with my current partner and he is excited about my pregnancy. I was confident that it's his baby but after reading that you can get pregnant during a period, now I'm not so sure. I haven't had any bleeding since my period in May which I believe lasted about 5 days. The hospital confirmed at my dating scan yesterday that I am 12 weeks + 6 days today and my due date is 26th Feb. Please can someone tell me who the father is.... I'm going out of my mind with worry, and strongly regret what I did. I'm worried that the dates from the scan are wrong or something and it is actually my ex's baby. I've not come on here for people to judge so please on comment if you are trying to help. Thanks.
I would say it's more than likely your current partners but if you want to be 100% sure I'd opt for a DNA test when the baby is born to put your mind at rest.

PP xXx
To be 12+6 yesterday would mean intercourse would have happened around 4th June. So more likely to be your partners. But for both of your peace of minds (presuming you have spoken and been honest with him about what's happened) I would do a DNA test when baby arrives so you can both move forward as a family feeling confident / secure. Good luck x
Hi Hun ur due date is 5 days later than mine and my hubby was away in May so we conceived 31st may/ 1st June. I'd say almost certainly ur current partner.
I would say absolutely your partners the dates match. Don't let this ruin your pregnancy enjoy it, and relax! Xx
You had sex with your current partner on cycle day 13 and women with a 28 day cycle usually ovulate around cd14, so it's highly likely this baby is not your ex's.

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