HELP - interview on Friday


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I have an interview on Friday for a medical secretary position. Im trying to prepare, what sort of questions do you think they may ask?
I'm crap at interviews, I absolutely hate it when they say 'So tell us a bit about yourself...' and 'Why do you think you'll be good at this job?' :?

No advice really, just wanna wish you luck :) :hug:
Thank for your good wishes.

Anybody else got any good advice????
poss :

Why do you want the job?

Tell me a time when...(insert scenario here - would depend on job, IE if going for call center job might me ''...when you have had to deal with someone difficult and what did you do'')

What can you offer to the roll?

Why should we offer you the job?

Answers :

Just be enthuiastic about why you want it (i,e dont say cause I need the money, you would be surprised how many people say stuff like that lol). When thinking of a time, it doesnt have to be in realation to work, it could have happened in personal situation, if you cant think of anything, play it by ear and make it up NEVER say you cant think of one, even if its something small and silly its better than nothing! Tell them the qualities you can offer i.e friendly, good time keeper, fast learner just think of some that will go with the role you are going for, and finally why offer the job, very similar to what can you offer, just kinda say some different ones you dont on the what you can offer bit like you are very through and compentant at word etc if thats what they want in the role, and that your very hardworking and they wouldnt be dissapointed.

Every interview I've been to has asked "what are your strengths" and "what are your weaknesses" so when trying toi ansewer these you want to find a strength that doesn't make you sound egotistical and a weakness that wouldn't be a bad thing (e.g. I'm a bit of a perfectionist or something)

Also if its a techincal role they'll probably ask you some technical questions.
Im rubbish at interviews to.
Although ive been offered all the jobs ive been interviewed for.

I tend to waffle alot. They like to here stuff like accuracy friendly, quick at picking up new skills.

Id imagine they will ask about prioritising work loads and working under pressure.
See if you can think up an example of each.

Anythimg will do they dont expext you to have been running some high powered empire before applying for this job .
Even if you make it up.
Hi hun, i am as recruitment speciailist so hopefuilly I can be of assistance!!

The first thing is to know your CV off by heart. Make sure you have answers prepared for why you are looking and the reasons you have made the career decisions you have.

Make sure that whatever your reasons they are expressed in a POSITIVE manner. If you had to leave your last job for example, because your boss was a witch, never say that because it can be construed negatively and your potential employer will wonder if your a difficult person to work with or dont like taking orders etc.

Make sure you have strong valid reasons for wanting the job you are going for and make sure you have done your research on the company so you can ask some pertinent questions to impress them! (Employers love candidates who have really done their homework and show interest in the business)

if they do ask the strength and weaknesses question, again, make sure you turn the weakness in to a positive. For example "My biggest weakness used to be that I got a bit flustered having to do 10 things at once but in the past few months I have worked hard at changing this and now make sure I write a list every morning to organise myself and prioritise and its really working for me".

Above all, remember to be very positive and come across confidently. People can always forgive a lack of experience in some areas if you come across well personality wise. People buy people first - not their qualifications so if you win them over and they can see themselves working with you, thats 80% of the battle.

Good luck hun!

If you have any more questions just PM me.

nothing to add from what has been said except for- have a firm handshake! There's nothing worse than a limp sweaty handshake and it's your first and last impression on them.
:shhh: just wanted to add that if they ask about if you want more children (they shouldn't but sometimes they will and there's not much you can do about that. LIE. A lot of employers won't employ you if you say you are TTC. It's wrong but from a business sense you can see why they do it! :hug:
I havent got an advice hun, im terrible when it comes to interviews, I get myself all worked up and nervous :(

Jade&Evie said:
:shhh: just wanted to add that if they ask about if you want more children (they shouldn't but sometimes they will and there's not much you can do about that. LIE. A lot of employers won't employ you if you say you are TTC. It's wrong but from a business sense you can see why they do it! :hug:

Its not just wrong its illegal, they're not allowed to ask you any questions like that!
Here is my advice...Ive had a lot of experience with interviews!

Go in with a big smile and a firm handshake

Assume you have the job already ('Mr Interviewer, WHEN i start working for you, you will see how adaptable I am' 'What WILL my daily schedule be in this position')

Do your research on the company and drop in random facts to show you're a clever know-itall ( e.g 'how long have you been established, about 18 years isnt it?' or...'how has the recent medical policy change impacted the position im about to take?'

When you go for the interview- remember YOU are assessing the position as well as them assessing you. Are they good enough for you?

When they ask you if they have any questions have a list prepared. The best one i find is to ask 'What opportunities will this position bring to me in the future? '/ What are my opportunities for career progression'

also 'How secure is this position in the current climate, because I am looking to be with the company long term' (even if you're not )

They will probably ask you : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
You need to give an answer that shows you are ambitious but not arrogantly so, so an answer like, a couple of stages further up within the same department (not- 'I want YOUR job haha or 'married with a dozen kids)

The worst question they always ask - what would you say is your weakest point

The standard answer is 'im a perfectionist bah blah ' or 'im sooo punctual im always too early' but every interviewer knows that one, so give them a genuine weak point that actually doesnt affect the job. At my last interview I admitted I had handwriting like a 3 year old due to using a computer for so many years!

And keep control dont say 'when will i find out if i got the job?' ask 'what is the next stage for the interview process? Will there be a second interview, what date is that?

At the end of the interview say thank you very much for the opportunity, I've really enjoyed finding out more about the position and the company.i look forward to hearing from you very soon.

And finally, after the interview, if you have the interviewers email address drop him a quick email to say thank you again for the opportunity and that after having the interview you are even more convinved the position is the right one for you .

good luck and remember YOU ARE INTERVIEWING THEM!!!! not just them you
Gotta say, there's some fantastic advice in this thread. Bet you lot can walk into jobs with your eyes closed :shakehead: :lol:
x-kirsty-x said:
Gotta say, there's some fantastic advice in this thread. Bet you lot can walk into jobs with your eyes closed :shakehead: :lol:

Ha! It helps that i managed a recruitment consultancy for 4.5 years!! :rotfl:
Oh thanks so much girls.

The strengths & weaknesses question gets me, Im still tying to think up good ones!!

This job is working for the NHS. They tend to have about 3 people interviewing you and they usually ask scenario questions!!

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