Interview Question


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
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My little sister went for an interview last week with first choice travel agent she really wants to work in travel industy, & has been invited back on wednesday for an 2nd interview, So we are trying to prpare her for,

What questions will she likely to get being a school lever?

Any ideas?

i dont really know, but i would presume something along the lines, why do you want to work for a travel agent.

dont forget to tell her that it is important for her to try and think of questions to ask them at the end of the interview.
* Why she wants to work in the travel industry (saying she loves holidays etc just won't cut it)
* What she feels she can offer the company
* Where she see's herself within the travel industry in 5/10 years time
* What attracted her to the travel industry
* Where has she been on holiday(s)
* Any overseas experience? (she can always tell a small fib there and say she's been a camp councellor with one of these Camp America type programmes, I done it at 18 and loved it and by saying I've done that (truthfully I have) it's opened lots of other doors for me.
* How she might cope if a client is asking hard/strange questions about a destination she knows nothing about
* Flexibility with working hours (most travel agents are open Saturdays and bank holidays etc now)
* Confidence levels with computer based work, what packages was she familliar with (check in staff with say British Airways use a programme called Galelio, it's their reservations system, she could always say although she's had no reservation experience she's aware of the systems that are used in the industry, such as Galelio and is thus familliar with the way in which they do work - that's things like the way names etc are imputted into the system, i.e. /Mr/Jones/Christopher type thing or abbreviations used, i.e. PAX for people or PP/PR/PN for per person, per room, per night, then the obvious ones like SC for self catering etc.

Make sure she's been online, researched First Choice, researched the job she's going for, what it entails, what she might think the pro's and con's are to the job. They always ask for things like "what are your strengths and weaknesses" and it's easy to say "I'm good at xxx" or I feel I have a real talent dealing with xxx type thing so try to think up a weakness that can be turned around into a positive, i.e. "I'd say a weakness is my intollerance to people who say they will do something then don't which in turn looks bad on me but I'm overcoming this by finding more and more ways in which I can better organise myself.

Best of luck to her, I can't think of anything else just now.
You might get the odd random one too, like..

*demonstrate your reliability/punctuality
*what has been your greatest achievement to date
*do you understand the data protection act
*where do you hope to be career wise in 5 years time

She should think of some things she's either done at school or out of school that demostrate she is a good all-rounder not just a brain box... cos I have had those questions when I have applied for jobs and they really caught me off-guard!
Did she get the job? Hope all went well for her, the first real job after school/college is always so exciting!! :dance:

no they company mucked her around. After a second interivew told her she was not confident enought & did not meet criteria. They should have known this once receiving cv.

But on a plus she has an interview Friday with Thomas Cook

:dance: :cheer:

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