poss :
Why do you want the job?
Tell me a time when...(insert scenario here - would depend on job, IE if going for call center job might me ''...when you have had to deal with someone difficult and what did you do'')
What can you offer to the roll?
Why should we offer you the job?
Answers :
Just be enthuiastic about why you want it (i,e dont say cause I need the money, you would be surprised how many people say stuff like that lol). When thinking of a time, it doesnt have to be in realation to work, it could have happened in personal situation, if you cant think of anything, play it by ear and make it up NEVER say you cant think of one, even if its something small and silly its better than nothing! Tell them the qualities you can offer i.e friendly, good time keeper, fast learner just think of some that will go with the role you are going for, and finally why offer the job, very similar to what can you offer, just kinda say some different ones you dont on the what you can offer bit like you are very through and compentant at word etc if thats what they want in the role, and that your very hardworking and they wouldnt be dissapointed.