HELP - I'm sooo confused!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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I said on Monday that I had ov pains with some pinky/browny discharge (sorry!) and then yesterday I got a definite (darker than the test line) positive on an opk stick. But today, I have more browny discharge - not a lot, but some when I wipe. So...I had one e-bay cheapie pregnancy test and I have just used it (cos I like peeing on a stick!) without fmu, and there is a very, very faint line? Could I possibly be pregnant and that is what is causing the pains and the browny cm or is it more likely to be my screwed up cycle? I am so confused right now. I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms, perhaps peeing more but I have been off work with a bad cold so am drinking lots of fluids. Help - any advice would be appreciated!!!
I know when youre pregnant you can turn an opk positive!
I would say get a better test in the morning, you dont have to spend a lot, get like a Tesco cheapy, if you get a line on there then yes, I'd say you are pregnant, and I would go ask the doctor for an hcg blood test. :hug:

Did you have a normal af 2 weeks ago?
I would advise the same, I know lloyds pharmacy were doing a special on 2 tests!
My best friend had the brown discharge from the beginning and so she went for a scan last week and she is 9 weeks pregnant and the baby is absolutey fine, kicking away!

I hope its the same for you ! Let us know!
Abi :dance:
Thanks guys, I am going to have to get oh to pick some up on his way in from work. I can't believe I wasted so many preg tests over the past couple of months, and now when I really need them, I only had one left!!

The strange thing is I haven't really had a proper AF since coming off the pill. I had a long, but light AF which finished last Monday. I also bd'd on that same Monday (in the morning) but it was a couple of weeks previous to this when we last bd'd, so I have no idea when I ovulated, if I even did.

I'm sure it's my body playing cruel tricks on me, but I will need to find out one way or another.

I will try another ov test later today and see if that's as dark as it was yesterday, as if I was ovulating then surely it should be wearing off now?

Why is it so hard ttc?!!!
Yeah tell me about it !

I have had to stop talking to my oh about it I think hes getting fed up...! Thank god for this site other wise you drive yourself insane! I have promised myself i will not test until another 10 days this time!

Good luck keep us updated!
Hi, i have taken an opk (just to see the result) the day after my AF and there was a faint pink line. I tested 2 weeks later and the line got fainter and then i ovulated (true result) i tested again just before AF was due and there was a faint line again. This is why they say NOT to take a faint line as a positive result. I saw a girl on here recently test an OPK with water and that brought up a faint line as well. They are not very accurate only when used to detect ovulation and when the line goes as darker (or very near) or darker than the control line. Anything else is considered negative. Some people say they can detect pregnancy SOMETIMES, others argue that the OPK's pick up a different type of hormone or something. Good luck :hug:
You are right, the ov tests are pretty rubbish and it is misleading having faint lines, but the one I took yesterday was darker than the test line and so I do think that was a positive. I have had loads of faint ones which I know were negatives, and this one was different. I did another ov test earlier and that too looks to be positive but isn't as dark as the one I had yesterday so maybe not.

The faint line on my cheapie pregnancy test is also probably a false positive, and I think this is all more to do with my dodgy cycle than a bfp. But, there is a slight chance that my faint bfp is an actual bfp and that has caused the positive ov test, so I will test maybe Friday as I don't think I will have time to pick up anymore pregnancy tests today or tomorrow.

It's so damn hard. I just wish it could be more simple and there weren't so many sticks and tests and false positives flying around. I'll wait until Friday and just try to forget about it until then.
I have just taken an OPK to see what it did and it has a faint pink line and im not due to ovulate for another 4 days and im always ontime with ovulation... if yours is dark though, i dont know. Maybe you are ovulating twice this month, i have known people on here that have ovulated twice in one month and if your periods are irregular then maybe thats whats happening? Or maybe you could be pregnant... only way to know is to test with hpt and id keep testing with opk's and if the opk's get weaker then id say its not pregnancy :hug:
I don't like ov tests! I might stop using them to be honest, because too many people have found them inaccurate. I will do a preg test on Friday morning, just to be sure, but I don't think it's a bfp, I think it's all down to my irregular, pill-wrecked cycle! I will let you all know how i get on!

Thanks for the advice.
Kelly xxx
Just to let you know Wilkinsons took theirs off the shelves due to a fault. 2 stores I tried and both none on shelves. I asked the man what exactly the fault was but he said he didnt know, but I think if a store is removing them due to faults (was there complaints?) then theres every chance that ebay cheapies also have faults and they arent going to be removed from sale so you would never know.

It's a shame the good etsts are so dear, no way am I paying £22 for 7 tests! :shock:

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