Help I wanna buy everything......


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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OH My GOD I should never have started looking at Baby clothes on line, I want to buy them all ALL of them, But hubby says I have to wait till we have enough money to buy all the important bits like a cot and stuff first, In my defence we need to dress her lol

Got the cutest stone roses T-Shirt that he agreed to though lol

Anyone else have this problem hehehe
My daughter has more clothes than her daddy lol she due march n has an outfit for every day the first three months lol x
OH My GOD I should never have started looking at Baby clothes on line, I want to buy them all ALL of them, But hubby says I have to wait till we have enough money to buy all the important bits like a cot and stuff first, In my defence we need to dress her lol

Got the cutest stone roses T-Shirt that he agreed to though lol

Anyone else have this problem hehehe

Stone roses is a sore subject in our house at the moment o/h didn't get tickets lol
I'm already looking at stuff for this new pregnancy and its only just begone x
Stone roses is a sore subject in our house at the moment o/h didn't get tickets lol[/QUOTE]

Maybe order him d baby T shirt too to cheer him up :) we didnt get tickets either :-(
I'm the same! Can't stop buying clothes but have to cos I know it's what people r gonna buy us when he is born. My nex purchase is gonna be the nursery furniture. Will be buying that at the beginning of next month once we have Pips room all cleared out. Doing that today. Gonna buy the paint for his room too :D never normally get excited about decorating! Lol!
All the big bits are sorted thanks to grandparents and the january sales which is leaving me clear for clothes clothes clothes and more clothes....after the gender scan today mummy is shopping like mad :pompom:

We r getting money from my dad which will go towards the furniture, my nan said she would help out too but I feel rude asking her how much she is gonna give us! Might have to give her a call and somehow slip into convo that we have found the stuff we want we just need to save for it! She might them say how much she is gonna give us.

The only problem with my side ofthe family is they r expecting 2 babies within 4 weeks. My SIL is due on 17th march.

MIL paid half towards our pushchair so we are unlikely to get any more help from them. Once we have the furniture, we have the big bits. Will just be bedding and soft furnishings which I collect each payday.
Everytime I see something I like, I think about not buying it but then still buy it :)
Doesn't help when I found out the gender went shopping with my friend and she just kept saying aww buy it.
My parents brought the pram and OH's parents said they would contribute/buy cot but not sure as they haven't mentioned anything else.
we didnt have a wedding gift list or hopefully people will give us pennies...and then this can go towards boo boo's furniture and everything else that will be needed!! :)

my mum's neighbours have already given us £75....couldnt believe it :D

oh so glad im not the ony one lol

Yeah furniture is the big one but my mam bought the travel system and the 2 mother s are fighting over th cot lol but then there is all the other bits that im sure im forgettin lol

goin out today for drive so gonna get him to stop off in one or 2 shops hehehe

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