HELP! I thought BH were supposed to be painless?!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi girls,

well, I've had absolutley no pain so far but just now I had 30 mins of bad pain across the bottom of my bump.

They were like a cross between period pains and cramp. They were quite bad and uncomfortable. They've eased off now. My friend says it's probably braxton hicks?

I thought they were supposed to be painless? Does this sound normal and has anyone else experienced this?

I'm really worried so any help would be much appreciated.

ive had this KJ, i had no idea what it was but ive asked around, pregnant cousin and friends who have recently had babies and its all perfectly normal. its probably cramp from your ligaments and muscles stretching. prob too early for braxton hicks yet, and ive heard they do hurt!!

when i had the crampy pains, i was doubled up, i had to sit down and bend over. it was so painful i cried. its happened a few times but then it stopped and hasnt happened for a couple of weeks.

dont worry, eveything is fine and theres more to come!
I hope I get braxton hicks, at least that way I will have an idea what contactions will feel like.
Vickyleigh said:
I hope I get braxton hicks, at least that way I will have an idea what contactions will feel like.

you will know when you have contractions believe meeee :hug:
thanks everyone for the replies.

Good to know you've I'm not alone Grace. I eventually phone the GPs and they told me to come in.

So I've just rushed home from work and been seen by a doctor. Everything was fine, good heartbeat, etc. They can't say for sure what it was but I feel better having been reassured.
My friend got BH from about 27 weeks, and she has been doubled over in pain from them! She reckon's she is going to be a right cry baby when it comes to the real thing!! :rotfl:

I am always getting bad pains, sharp and crampy, and the docs don't seem too concerned. But as long as baby is ok, docs don't seem to concerned about anything!

Piglet xx
hi hun, i am sooo glad you have psted this becus on way home from work staring felin a really bad ache across tummy and back and it has knocked me sick n dizzy also, it has eased off after about 10 15 mins. does this sound like the same thing to you all? this is my second pregnancy but i didnt have any of this with DD but then again i didnt get sicknes or sciatica with her either. is it normal? xxxxx
Hi Kim,

it does sound similar. Mine were definitely like a bad period cramp that lasted continously for 30 mins and then eased off. It was enough to make me frown constantly and say "ouch" a few times!

I didn't have any dizziness or sickness or back pain though. My GP said it could have been a bowel cramp (although I'm sure I know how to distinguish between bowel and uterus by now!). And the girl who lodges with me is 32 weeks and she had the same thing in the middle of the night one night and phoned the midwife. They thought hers was the same thing.

So, I'm afraid the answer is I don't know. Yours does sound a bit different, had you had a busy day? You could have overdone it a bit.

If you are at all worried ring your maternity ward or your GP and they'll fit you in for a check-up. It certainly put my mind at rest to have the appointment.

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