Help.... I had a lot to drink before my BFP!


Jun 5, 2010
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Hi everyone. I'm new here and just found out I'm pregnant. I'm almost 5 weeks going by my lmp but only got a bfp yesterday after realising I was late.

Now I'm in a complete panic because for the past two weeks I've had a glass of wine almost every night. I'm kicking myself because I rarely drink but for a couple of weeks I've been going out to a lot of works funcitons and have only had about 3 nights where I've stayed home.

That means right from conception to last night I was drinking. I haven't had more than a glass of wine a night and on several of these nights I didn't drink the whole glass but I'm really worried now. :(
I wouldnt worried,your not going to drink silly now....

congrats xxx
I wouldn't worry about it,I think most ppl have prob had more than a few drinks b4 gettin their bfp xx
with two of my pregnancys I fell pregnant over xmas and had been drinking loads so I wouldnt worry you cant help when you didnt even know.
Awww hun don't worry about it with Jacob my DS, I was drinking and I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was about 6 weeks and he is now a healthy 16 month old :hug: :) x
Thanks for the replies. I had a bit to drink early in my last pregnancy too but then it was only a glass a week. I just panicked because this time it's a glass a night. I guess people get up to all kinds of tuff though before they find out.
Don't worrry ,if not TTC, then most women will have a drink at somepoint if not many more befor realising they are pregant. Now you know you can stop or moderate drinking as suits you X

Congratulations by the way X
I think it is more dangerous if you drink (a lot) when the placenta has already formed because this means that your baby gets everything through your blood and with 5 weeks pregnant the baby doens't as he/she is still developing from cells in and the yolk sac.
Congrats. I wouldnt worry about drinking before you found out, I was the same as you, had alot to drink the night before I found out and I am now 33 weeks, relax and enjoy your pregnancy :)

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