Help! I can't get medicine down!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Tom's got a TERRIBLE cough and cold. I've tried to give him Calcough and Medised FOUR times now and failed miserably. I give it in a syringe and he is taking it in to his mouth (after a struggle) and then just spitting the whole lot out.

I can't get ANY down him!

Anyone got any ideas??!!

Does he have a dummy? Maybe try the dummy medicine feeders you can get from chemist?
When I've had this trouble with Isaac I make him laugh, and whilst his mouth is open I quickly squirt a little bit in, he hates it :( but if he needs it I've found its one of the less stressful ways for him. You can add some medicines to milk and juice, can you do that with it? If he's eating anything you give him with a spoon, hide it in that? I really, really hope he gets well soon, all these LO's with colds lately, its so sad :( Sending very BIG hugs to you both, hope he's well again very soon :hug: :hug: :hug:

dont know if i told u his last night but what i do is prop C up on a pillow, squirt a little bit in his mouth then give him his dummy before he has the chance to spit the medicine out, this way he sucks his dummy and swallows the medicine...then i take the dummy out and squirt the remaining medicine in and ram the dumy in as fast as i can so again he doesnt spit it out.

onlt thing thta works for us :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Hi there,

I give my LO vitamins (Abidec) every day via a syringe... the best way I've found to do it is squirt it bit by bit into the side of his mouth - if I put it anywhere near his tongue he just spits it back out. :doh:

Good luck!
Thank you all sooooooooooo much.
We've been to the doctor this morning and poor little thing has bronchiolitis again so, guess what... more medicine!
I will try everything you've all suggested and let you know how I get on.
When Harrison has medicine he doesnt like the taste of we give him his beaker and whilst he's drinking we pop the syringe in the corner of his mouth and he doesn't notice

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