HELP. Have I done something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I started weaning yesterday and I'm quite pleased how things are going, but I am wondering if this is normal.

I gave Adam 1/2 is usual milk feed and a tiny amount of food. He seemed to really enjoy it and took to it very well.

About 1 hour later, he was sick. It wasn't like his usual sickness (he has reflux) it was quite thick and had more clear fluid in it.

Is this normal are have I did something wrong.

Do you think I should stop weaning for a while. He is showing all the signs of needing more than milk so I'm really keen to continue. xxx
If you are giving him food his sick will be a bit thicker i wouldnt worry about it to much. Just wait till he is sick the proper stuff it smells great lol :lol:
I have found that his sick has a much stronger smell, which I put down to being the food.

I'm prob just paranoid as I hate people being sick. :puke:
How old is Adam NIE? Maybe he's not ready yet - I dunno.

Let us know how he gets on tomorrow.

Valentine Xxx
Adam is 4 months.

I gave him a little food this afternoon with a wee drink of juice. It seemed to be the juice that came back up this time as it was yellow coloured and watery. I never put any Gaviscon in the juice so that's maybe why he was sick.

I will try him again tomorrow with the food and if it's just the same, I think I will stop weaning for a week or so, then try again if he's still showing signs of needing more than milk.

Thanks. xx
They say that reflux should go when you are weaning them but my son is still being sick so it doesnt always help but if baby is still very young then maybe it would be best to wait a while longer and try again.
Either he's not ready just yet, something he's eating isn't agreeing with him or maybe the Milk and then food on top is too much, milk is quite heavy, maybe have some food first and then the milk a little while later or vice versa

Flame said:
They say that reflux should go when you are weaning them but my son is still being sick so it doesnt always help but if baby is still very young then maybe it would be best to wait a while longer and try again.

Flame, my Son had reflux too and I was told it would stop once he was on solids but infact he was still being sick and I found it was milk products like cheese, milk etc... that made it worse so we put him on soya products for a few months and he got alot better and then when he became more active we put him back onto milk products and he was fine. I just wasn't sure if that could be the same for your Son.
Also, I think the recommendation is not to give babies juice. It's very acidic and could easily cause stomach upsets. Plus once they get teeth it can cause decay quite quickly. Best to just give cool boiled water.

Princess_Puddles said:
Either he's not ready just yet, something he's eating isn't agreeing with him or maybe the Milk and then food on top is too much, milk is quite heavy, maybe have some food first and then the milk a little while later or vice versa.

I think I will do this tomorrow to see if it makes any difference. xxx

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