help!!! did i hear baby heartbeat?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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ok so i got my doppler today and just got in and whipped it out....around my knicker line on the right i got a definite heart beat!! :cheer: But when i compared by putting it to my chest, it didnt seem to be a lot different in speed :?

don't we have a pulse in the groin area? might i have heard that? or was it my little alien inside??!!!
If its the same as your pulse then it will be detecting your placenta, it should be quite alot faster than your own heart rate. A little perseverance and you will find it ;)
oh :shock: so if my placenta is beating is that a good sign??
You will definately be able to tell when you have the babys, it's so fast! I think they say the norm is around 140 bpm sometimes faster sometimes slower depending what the baby's up to ie resting/moving around..remember to use lots of gel :)
You should be able to hear it really low down it is very fast like the sound of a galloping horse. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thats where I found mine, the placenta makes a different noise though
Your placenta makes a whooshing sound. Your heart beat should match your heart rate if you take your pulse in your neck at the same time (should be around 60-80 bpm), then baby will be around 120-160bpm so much, much faster than yours :D
ok, well i definietly got a whooshing placenta lol..but this morning i also found something a little faster...only about an inch or so over from the big whooshing, but it was definitely a little faster ..but it was still whooshy sounding rather than a galloping horse!...any ideas??
hmm thats gallopping lol...maybe i havent found it yet ......bah! :x
"my doppler today "
Have u bought one?? Where, when, how much etc etc


x :dance:
Keep trying gymbabeliz. It can sometimes take a while. Make tiny movements with the doppler and go as far down as you can to your pubic bone and push in quite hard. It may be too early for you to hear it yet...
lol but i got a bit worried about pressing too hard!!! i know its early so im not panicking, just impatient!!! If the placenta is whooshing does that mean that the baby must be ok too? or does that not necessarily follow?

i got an angelsounds one off ebay, bought it friday and it came monday
i found my heartbeat first , easy way , count it ! mine was 88 bpm , but bubba was 148 :cheer: babies should be 140 - 160 bpm
G3M said:
i found my heartbeat first , easy way , count it ! mine was 88 bpm , but bubba was 148 :cheer: babies should be 140 - 160 bpm

Yey, you got ur doppler then? :)
yaayyyy! tried again this morning (i was bloated from pizza last night and thought the extra water might conduct the waves better lol) ..and i definitely heard it! It went per-um per-um per-um per-um not whoosh whoosh :cheer: hehe :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: I can't wait to hear mine, I won't be convinced there's anything in there until I either hear the heartbeat or see the baby on the scan
well im 99% sure i heard the heartbeat but somehow it doesnt make it any more real til i have a massive bump AND see it on a scan!!

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