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Help!!! Can't settle him :(


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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He will not settle for daytime naps :wall2: I used to put him to sleep in his old buggy (car seat on wheels), I think he liked it because it was snug, now in his big pushchair he only wants to sit up and he will not settle.

He went ballistic just now, he only wants to sleep in someone's arms or Baby Bjorn, I thought he was asleep but as soon as I put him in his cot he woke up and started wailing.

I'm exhausted, don't know what to do. I really can't rock him to sleep, he is huge and my tendinitis is excruciating :(
Hey hun.

Do u put him down totally awake? I tend t get Austin to a half n half sate, where hes 'well on his way'...then put him in his cot.

*Is it pitch black?
*Do u use a dummy? - A only needs one for his day naps - never his night times oddly?!
*Have you put him down when u see the cues? Rubbing eyes, first couple of yawns?ear tugging? Austin also does this sort of deep waily noise when he is tired.
*For Vinces age - he should be ready for a nao approx 2 hours after he last woke - so if he wakes at 7, round about 9, start winding him down, sit in his room, have a cuddle on ur knee, use a soft voice, ask him 'are u sleepy vince?' use the dummy as a cue, get him 'on his way' and then pop him in the cot.

If this doesnt work, have u tried a slumberbear - bear which emits white noise 'proven to get babies to sleep'. If you dotn have one, download a free app to ur fone and try that.

Sorry if im teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here hun - its just wat works for us. May or may not do for u but I guess itd b worth a try.

Big hugs - I go thru it myself sometimes when I miss the sleepy window n cant get him to nap. Its horrendous.

It's not pitch black, we only used the blinds at night, will give that a go!

He's never had a dummy, so don't want to start with one just for naps.

I look out for the cues, but even when he's in a good mood and all awake he HATES being put in his cot. He will only be OK is he's in a very deep sleep - by which time my wrists are dead.
ISH how about one of those cuddly seahorses that he can cuddle and they make light and lullabies? Apparently they are great help for babies to sleep. Also not ideal but could you rock him to sleep maybe in his stroller? Or feed him to sleep?
Of everything fails do you think sth is bothering him? Maybe some paracetamol or gel for his teeth?
Is he ok in the cot at night? i.e does he settle easily in it?

Just wondering if he might have some aversion to being in the cot? ya could try popping him in there and playing with there so he doesnt associate it with being distressed/crying?

Or when he wakes in the morning - letting him coo and play by himself in there?

My wrists are sheer hell to hun, specially i
the day after going a long walk with the pram (like today,...boo)

It's not anything except him feeling abandoned in his cot, even if I'm there cuddling him. One toe touching the bed and he'll start :(
Is he ok in the cot at night? i.e does he settle easily in it?

Just wondering if he might have some aversion to being in the cot? ya could try popping him in there and playing with there so he doesnt associate it with being distressed/crying?

Or when he wakes in the morning - letting him coo and play by himself in there?

My wrists are sheer hell to hun, specially i
the day after going a long walk with the pram (like today,...boo)

He's doing very well at night, I feed him to sleep then pop him in and he's very peaceful.

He does hate the cot though, if he's in an excellent mood and we put him in it awake he'll start to cry. Brat!!
How about a nap on a blanket on the floor??? Will he accept that?maybe sitting with him and play there and stroke his hair until he dozes off a little?
Sometimes he'll settle easier on our bed, but today he was a baby from hell! I could have put him to sleep rocking him, but it got to painful.
Hmm I don't know :( I suppose you can only try?
I get this hun, Sofia will only fall asleep on me and will not go down on anything, since I've had the beanbag she will go in that but only after 15 mins when she is in deep sleep x

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Thats what I was telling you about, tbh its nothing to do with the bear itself. Its the lil speaker inside which you can take out.

It has ocean waves, womb noise (which isnt as harsh as the white noise), white noise, lullabys and a setting where u can record your own soothing message, lol. I.e something like 'sshhhhhh go back to sleep' or something youd usually say.

Its good if he wakes up, starts whinging, it automatically reacts to the noises and triggers it to come on and therefore soothing him bk to sleep. The white noise overpowers their ability to focus on crying anymore. If Austin is struggling, i switch it on and out by his head.

Got mine off ebay for £10.

Best tenner I spent xxxxxx
Right - bought the seahorse after reading the reviews, can't do any harm!
Tell me if it works :)
Worst case scenario he will have fun with it while wide awake lol
Does he have a blankie? We started using one with Chloe, doesn't work immediately but it's definitely helping now a few weeks later.

Also they say to put babies down before they are overtired. This personally doesn't work with Chloe I have to well and truly wear her out before she's in the slightest bit likely to go to sleep. Could it be the same for Vince?

Not sure what the weather is like where you are but here it's sooooo muggy here and all the babies at my baby group have been struggling to sleep/nap. Maybe the weather is affecting him?
I swear I have no idea what it is, but he will fight naps viciously, he is so clingy! I can only dream of putting him down in his cot before he's tired, he hates it with a passion!
I am very upset, my ears are ringing and I feel like crying :( He is such a good baby in other respects and I feel I've failed at this because of my aversion for routines.

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