Help - calling all dog owners

Glad you had a peaceful night, my dogs would love to sleep in my room but not allowed as one would want to sleep on my head lol!
I don't like the electric shock thing either, i was watching a dog training program, can't remember the name but its a british woman in america, she was saying how cruel these collars are and they should never be used, can make behaviours worse and I am not surprised-I wouldnt fancy an electric shock each time I spoke :/ A woman I spoke to said each time they bark give them a little poke (not hard) but just to take their attention away from what they are barking at and apparently thats how another dog in the pack would approach it-with a nudge etc. She is into dog training and looks after several dogs each day x
Was the British trainer called Victoria? I've seen her show before. We are going to allow them to sleep upstairs for a while then gradually get them back downstairs but unfortunately if the other neighbours dog carries on barking then we will have to think of something...I will look into anti bark collars though, worth a try! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Yes, you are right, it is victoria.
I have seen some alarm type things you can buy for persistant barking, I think they let off a sound (not a sound we can hear) to help stop them, I am not sure how effective they are though x
Thanks for the suggestion, when I get my laptop back later I'll have a Google.

Did the same thing as previous night, allowed them to stay in our room but with the door open so they could lay on the landing. Not impressed to have my duvet pulled off me in the middle of the night by DH who was cold cos he allowed one of the dogs on the bed and she was laying on his share of the covers. :rolleyes: Woke up this morning to find her still on the bed but I told him off for it lol. The other two were told to get down so was unfair to let one on and not the other so told DH if she does it again she's to be told no. Funnily enough she was round on my side of the bed and jumped up so I told her to get down, she then buggered off to DH (she's his fave and she knows it lol) and lo and behold she ends up on the bed. It was another quiet night so I'm pleased with that! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I would err on the side of caution before using anti bark collars and definetly not a shock collar. This type of aversion training should really only be used as a last resort and with the guidance of a professional.

I would suggest a good walk before bed so they are tired out, pull curtains to reduce visual stimulation and perhaps leave a radio on quietly for them to reduce the amount of noise they can hear from outside.

Glad that you have found a solution in the short term by having them upstairs- might even be enough to break the habit you never know. Both my dogs sleep in the bedroom but that is our personal preference.

I agree that the collars would be a last resort which is why I want to try having them with us etc. I think they've been ok so far that I wouldn't mind having them with us for the long term really. They have been better behaved than I thought they would be but it's only been 2 nights lol, that could change! :rofl: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

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