HELP!!! broody husband!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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A lot of you know my views on having another baby, NO NO AND NO!

the last couple of nights my oh has been going on about how nice it would be if stephen and imogen had a little brother - yeah thats lovely and all but guess who gets to get pregnant and do all the donkey work for having a baby? you guessed right - me.

I really dont want to get pregnant again, im just beginning to have some kind of life at the mo with imogen growing up and stevo getting better and me loosing weight. I dont want to go back to night feeds and being stuck in all the time, its alot of stress thatI could do without.

Im only 24 and i want my kids to grow up and I want a life! Hes being unfair over this and has gone to bed in a sulk - i dont know how to tell him nicely to grow the hell up - if he had a baby he would know what i mean. Lert his penis get stretched and ripped from childbirth and have a leaky vagina - then hed soon leave me alone.
i think in any relationship you have to compramise.. he wants more kids you dont.. my idea would be to say. right now i dont want anymore, especially as im's is so small so how about we wait a few more years and re assess it then..

its the other way around with me and alex.. i want more (in a few yrs) he doesnt.. so we had a long talk and he said we will talk about it and see in a few years when im ready for more. its a difficult one.. even if you know in a few years you wont want more.. atleast it gets him off your back for a bit and you never know when shes stevens age you might want more..
I keep mulling it over and over and theres no way I want more - my life didnt end when i had children, im certainly more fulfilled then what I was and I worship my children and i love my husband but I have so many things i want to do. Loosing weight is the biggest though and is a journey that is going to take me a long time.

Im going to speak to him when he gets home and suggest what you said Lisa and get him off my back for a few years at least!
We're the other way round. I want more, DH doesn't.
Like lisa said, we're going to re-evaluate our situation in a few years time.
kick him in the shins and tell him to sit in the corner, that should do it :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Know what you mean about the weight thing. It is really hard work and slow this time. Before I had LO, it seemed a bit easier to shift but now I feel like I will never be able to get rid of it. Strange thing was I didn't really put on much (for the first time in my life :)) when I was pregnant because I felt so so sick the whole time. But afterwards the kilos found me...
Mel&Bean said:
kick him in the shins and tell him to sit in the corner, that should do it :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

He phoned earlier, no apology!

And i told him when Imogens at school we will see what our situation is like when Imogens at school. He wasnt really ok with it because he wants us to start trying now! hes insane im telling you.

He then said well what if you get pregnant on your pill, are you going to have a abortion because you dont want another baby.
I was like WTF????? totally out of order and so wrong to even say something like that too me or anyone!

If i got pregnant on my pill, sure i wouldnt be happy. But wouldnt even consider a terminaton, so angry at him. Im guna pack him a night bag and he can piss off to his mothers until he apologises.
You've got your handsful at the moment why does he want another? Be a different story if he was home all day looking after them :hug:
mrs_tommo22 said:
[quote="Mel&Bean":2fwhgjgh]kick him in the shins and tell him to sit in the corner, that should do it :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

He phoned earlier, no apology!

And i told him when Imogens at school we will see what our situation is like when Imogens at school. He wasnt really ok with it because he wants us to start trying now! hes insane im telling you.

He then said well what if you get pregnant on your pill, are you going to have a abortion because you dont want another baby.
I was like WTF????? totally out of order and so wrong to even say something like that too me or anyone!

If i got pregnant on my pill, sure i wouldnt be happy. But wouldnt even consider a terminaton, so angry at him. Im guna pack him a night bag and he can p*ss off to his mothers until he apologises.[/quote:2fwhgjgh]

Maybe ive been watching too much desperate housewives... but make sure he doesnt get hold of ur pills :shock: :rotfl:

:hug: :hug:
Oh dear, I think he owes you an apology for that comment :shakehead:

He will just have to come round to the idea that its not completely off the cards, just delayed for a while (possibly). Maybe he feels threatened by you losing so much weight? :think:
He has come home, realised that he was very wrong saying what he did. So hes home and ass kissing. Told him to go back to work though as he will ruin my cushy day :rotfl:

He has said before hes not fussed by my weight and is realy pleased for me so i dont think its that, though at one point i thought that might be the case.

I think he wants another child because he saw how well stephen gets on with the boys in his class.

Ive told him no kids until Imogens at school, pre school. Little does he know that I wont be having any more at all - just let him think he is.
you never know hun you may well change your mind in a few years
i was always adamant i would never have any more after my oldest was born and i changed my mind when he was about 11/12 xxxxxx
Big hugs to you Sarah :hug: :hug: Like you say, just string him along and make him think there will be more in the future.

If you find a way to extract his broodiness can you send it to me, we're the opposite, I want another in the next few years (i still want a girl) but he doesnt... we'll see about that :twisted:
Anyone want my broody husband please take him, hes up too something as hes kissing my neck and suggesting nookie tonight and i think im going to plead a headache! :rotfl: :rotfl:
i thought u were ttc? did u change ur mind? or did i make that up in my head :lol: i do get confused sometimes lol
trixipaws said:
i thought u were ttc? did u change ur mind? or did i make that up in my head :lol: i do get confused sometimes lol

Aww bless ya hun :lol: You didnt make it up, Mrs T was TTC but decided against it to concentrate on the two she has :hug:
No trix i stopped within the month as soon as stephen was diagnosed with autism.
esh, my OH the other day was talking about when we have our 2nd baby, :shock: :?

2nd baby? i havent gave birth to the first one yet and never said i was up for doing it all again, lol.

you stick to your guns!! its your body that goes threw crazy changes not his!

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