I a tightwad??


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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When we moved into this rented house, there were no carpets or lino in any room, so we bought it room by room and got it fitted. 2 receptions rooms, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. (and stairs)

Now we're moving all the houses we looked at have white goods, carpets and curtains.

I thought I we could ask the people moving in if they would like to buy ours off us.

Do you all thinks thats dead cheeky? I remember seeing a post a while ago that people said trying to sell old carpets was a bit mean cos they wouldn't fit into other rooms.

But I am spiteful and upset, and don't want people having for nothing what I worked hard and saved for, to put in a home I was told I could stay in indefinately.

So there's all that carpet and cushion flooring in the kitchen, plus my washer and fridge/freezer that are only 2yr old...the question much should I ask for it all?

Or should I not bother? ( I will NOT leave it )

We need £1600 to move, plus I'm not sure our sofa's would survive another move...every penny helps.
no, it's pretty common to offer appliances for sale I think- I know thats been the case when we were looking- and just mention that the flooring is actually yours- the landlord normally lays flooring so its not as common but I don't think its cheeky- esp. as you need the money x
I don't think it's cheeky at all, like you said you worked hard for what you have so why should somebody else be able to just walk in and have it handed to them on a plate :)
i would take it! we had a nasty carpet in our bath room, but we had two water leaks from upstairs. We had to rip the carpet up as it STANK, but the landlord refused to replace it (it all went under an insurance claim, so i have no idea why - it wouldn't have cost them another excess - im assuming it had something to do with losing NCD, but they would have had two identical claims?!.. sorry waffling on). When we move, if there is a room it would work in, i plan to take it!!

I would speak to your landlord. Ask if they would be wiling to buy them from you. how much did it cost you and how old is it? the cost would depend on that.
If its rented then really the landlord should have carpeted it decently. But then if you thought it was long term and so on its a little different, but still carpets should be provided. If it wasn't and you put your own in you should have no qualms of asking either a) the landlord pay a reasonable price for them for future tenants or b) the future tenant pay for them (although this is not the usual practice that I am aware of).

If not then you'll be out of pocket.

With regards to washing machine and freezer again worth asking if your landlord will buy them off you. If not maybe the new tenant would but many have this sort of thing already.

IIRC you are renting from a farmer right? Its in his interests if he is trying to attract someone to work on the farm to take the house that its reasonably decent. I don't think anyone would expect or be happy to move into a house with no carpets and have to pay for them themselves if they were working for him. Its in the landlords interests if he wishes to have employees living there to provide decent appliances etc as often many people move from job to job and don't have this sort of thing. Depends on who he takes on really.

I used to work on an large estate where the landowner rented out various cottages long term to people. When one couple moved out having installed a wood burner and a fitted kitchen to their rented cottage the landlord paid them a fair price and they left it behind. Otherwise the landlord would have had to have paid for a wood burner and new kitchen.

If I've got you confused with someone else then ooops sorry. Its too early on a Sunday morning :oops: :lol:
My OH buys and sells houses with his mom and they always put in the terms of sale that they will be removing the carpets before sale, then if the buyers want to keep them they usually make them an offer. In the last house they sold they got an extra £500 for the carpets.
Thanks everyone :D

I went to see the farmer last night (you're right Sherlock) and said to them would they ask the next tenants if they would be interested...I also suggested that maybe they could charge more rent if it came with carpets etc but their response was that the cottage was going to be rent free in return for working on the diary. So I guess that is a great big NO.

The carpets are 2 year old max, they are not super expensive wool ones, but the rooms are 5m by 5m so you couldn't get 'cheap' carpet anyway. I think we paid about £150ish per room. The kitchen floor was around £100 but it is small..

There is a big garage in the house we are hoping to move to so we could store the carpets in there, or donate them to a local homeless charity...
The farmer is being a real tightwad himself tbh. If the cottage is going to be rent free and he is also paying a wage (probably not the greatest as the cottage will reduce it) then he really should provide the carpets etc for it. Its very cheeky to expect someone to move into an uncarpeted house. He really needs to be prepared to offer it /semi/furnished/unfurnished also, depending on who applies for the job and gets it etc.

He can't expect someone to come work for him and pay to fit their own carpets etc. It'd be a huge waste of their money. Most of these jobs on farms don't pay a massive amount as it is so people don't have that kind of cash to throw around. He is responsible for all repairs etc so should stump up for carpets.

I'd ask him if he will buy them. You took the house on in good faith being told it was long term and he is choosing to end that, so you need to recoup costs to some degree. If not take them with you and maybe sell them elsewhere or use them in the future.

Good luck :)

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