Help & Advice Please?!


Aug 24, 2007
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Hello all
Im hoping that by writing this post I can try to begin to feel abit better, and also because Im hoping for some advice. Im currently 29+2 with first baby.

I was referred to the labour ward last Friday after having my 'show' in the morning and suffering with constant back pain all afternoon. They did some checks and everything with baby was fine and they discharged me with some codiene for pain relief.

The back pain, however has continued all week, along with pain in my lower abdomen-that similar to menstrual cramping. On Wednesday night I started with a thick brown sticky discharge *tmi* and sharp stabbing pains in my pelvic area. This carried on into Thursday, and I was again told to go the labour ward for more checks. My temperature and blood pressure were high, but once again everything ok with baby. They took two swabs and I dont get the results back until 4th September. I told them that I didnt like taking the codeine as they werent making the slightest bit of difference, and I got told to take them alongside paracetamol?!?! Slightly too much Im thinking- so Ive not bothered taking any.

I woke up today almost crippled in the same kind of menstrual pain. Been to loo around 20 minutes ago, and this discharge is still there with a vengence, but Mum said there's probably nothing else I can do until I get my results through.

I was wondering, is so much pain like this normal? Im in agony, but still havnt felt any contractions, and the monitor didnt pick up anything either. My internal examination showed my cervix is still closed.No amount of warm baths or water bottles seem to help, but Im at my wits end- Im in agony! Baby's head is down but not engaged.

Alongside this, Ive got stress at home at the moment with my Mum. Its a long story but she is making life very hard both me and Serkan, and today it just erupted in a huge argument. Im stuck in the middle, and Im upset for both of them. She can say very hurtful things at times, none of which either of us deserve. Serkan now wants to rent a house, which although does make sense, and will be a better environment to live in, it just seems like the last thing I need to be thinking about at the moment. However, I dont think its fair on either of us to carry on living in the atmosphere we are in at the moment.

I dont want any of this to result in problems for the baby. I just feel Im at my wits end- and I really dont know what to do, both for the pain Im in, and for home life too.

Sorry for the depressing post but I needed to let off some steam!
Love to all
Rachel xxx
Oh,sorry you feeling do bad :hug:
About pains, you really can get very nasty pains without contractions. I think all you have to do is wait, and if you feel the pain is getting stronger (or even if not), go to hospital again and see what they can do. I think you might be getting a show several days before the contractions.
Have some rest (as much as you can).

:hug: :hug: :hug:
For medical advice, I really dunno what to say and havin a difficult situation at home isn't helping. Don't be hasty with jumping on renting the first place you find.

Sit down with your mum, I am sure she'll understand and tell her that you will be moving out, you need your private space esp with your baby on way.

Try to put up with her and not get into any arguments, walk away or find something to do, if needs be, lock yourself in the bedroom for an hour or so. Also tell mum and your fella that they shouldn't be raising the temp, esp at this time and stage. Being pregnant, you are on the edge for getting stressed, quicker than the average person.

I don't get out much now, I get too tired and we are waiting to move to our own place. I've taken to renting films and reading books, so I spend a lot of time in my bedroom, out of the public areas of the apartment, so not to cross anyone. My hubby takes me out each day, even if it's for a drive or just for a 30 min walk or to starbucks, just to get me out.

Maybe being at home so much is eating you away too?

Hope everything gets better soon and good luck xx
Thanks so much fo your replies- they really do mean alot.

I have been feeling quite fed up lately and I guess I can put alot of that down to being in the house! DH works 5 days a week in the evenings, and so he's out of the house by 4pm. Dont get me wrong he's doing everything he can to try help, and sometimes Im not the easiest of people to put up with!

Our relationship with my Mum has never really been plain sailing- theyre both as bad as each other, but seeing them like that really gets to me, and the last thing I want is to harm baby.

Its just the pain Im in its killing me! I never even remember my worst time of the month being as bad as this! It has seemed to get worse during the week, I just dont know what to do for the best!

Once again thankyou for your replies- it helps to get stuff off my chest!
Rachel xxxx

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