help a little worried!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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Im not sure where to post this but hope its ok here!!

as some of you know i was 8 days passed wen af was due wen she did finally appear which happened yesterday, i was very gutted but had decided hey ho on to october.

I dont normally suffer with period pains at all but have had a lot of pains before af arrived this time and horrible ones today and not to be tmi but very red blood when i normally start a bit brown then go darker before going back to brown(sorry to be so gross)and today whilst having my lunch break from work at my mums i went to the loo and passed some horrible big what looked like clots of blood it was a lot and to be honest not normal for me and a bit worrying but didnt want to worry my mum so havent mentioned it. Is this normal? Anyone else had this happen? Any advice very welcome.

Michelle. x
How long u been off pill hun?

My last period was very bizzare for me, I was spotting for 5 days then really heavy af for 2days then light again, sooo heavy I leaked through tampax by lunch time in work, this has never happened before sooo I was a little surprised and confused but I now know that it was just my body adapting to life after the pill.

I've been off it now since end of july.

Maybe its just ur body adapting too if u are recenlty off the pill?
I came off the pill in may so could still be that i suppose, just very werid for me, im so bloated and getting cramps and pains and so much blood which is unlike me and then to have such weird clot things cum out at lunch(sorry tmi)kind of worried me but hopefully its just my body still getting to grips with things was on the pill for 10 years!!

Michelle. x
I have given up on trying to guess what is normal for me, everytime it seems like a pattern, it changes again. I have certainly had periods which sound like yours. Hope this helps a bit.

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