Help - 18th Birthday gift needed urgently!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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I've just realised that it is Kayleigh's half-sister's (my step-daughter from my first marriage) 18th birthday tomorrow! :shock:

She lives in Telford and I live in Leicester so I can't buy something and just pop round with it. I've now got to rush out to the dentist, and then I've got an appointment with the hv, so haven't got time to trawl the internet. So I'm asking for help from any of you that are stuck at home and bored!! Or at work and bored!! :pray: :rotfl:

She is a very sensible 18 year old. Doesn't smoke, drink, has had a steady (also very sensible) boyfriend for 4 years. Still lives at home with mum and 3 younger brothers and sisters. Is currently learning to drive and saving for her first car.

Is there anything I can order to have delvered tomorrow, or shall I just send her a cheque for £50???

Helllllpppppp!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

I'm off to the dentist now, so I'll pop back on later and expect oodles of ideas!! :wink: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
a nice card with a cheque should do it amanda!

if she is as sensible as u say then the money will go towards her first car!
Yeah if she's saving she'd appreciate that.

If she's close to getting her first car how about some money towards it and a few bits like an A-Z, an air freshener or something?
I wwould send her a cheque aswell, failing that a nice bit of Jewalry
Yeah a cheque and nice heart felt card
I was a sensible 18 yr old too, didnt drink, smoke etc (mind u i was pg on my 18th :think: :lol: ) and i loved sentimental stuff.
I got my car on my 17th bday (passed my theory on bday too!) and loved all the lil bits i could put on it for prezzies!
Thanks girls! I ended up going for the cheque. But, when I went to buy the card, they had an ickle Elliot Elephant holding a silver 18 key, so I bought that as well. I posted it all yesterday, and she's just phoned to say thanks! :cheer:
cheques are always the easiest thing to send! plus the teddy was a great idea!

we had a major sort out at the weekend to make space for baby stuff, and OH made me chuck out loads of 18th stuff i had been given. Stupid things like cards, and the weight from the bottom of a 18 balloon my parents got me. I kept teddies and stuff though :( we threw out 6 black bags of stuff!!!

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