hellooooo ....pointless thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I officially belong here as of today!!! :)
Its soooo exciting!!! :yay: i actually really feel pregnant now aswell which sounds so silly i know, i was in the hospital last week and a lady asked when i was due, made my week :dance:
Anyway.... Just wanted to pop in and say :wave:
Hi honey and welcome to trimester 3, i don't think its a pointless thread at all lol. How are you feeling, other than pregnant. I'm really enjoy being in the final and trimester, but am still finding it surprising in shops and things when people ask me when i'm due, I think how did you know i was pregnant, then I see my bump lol x
Hey i'm in here on thursday but have been popping in for months. They say its the moaning trimeaster and i can see why my back is killing me and i feel i could sleep forever!
I feel really good :)
I can't wait to actually have a baby in my arms now though!!!
I have been tired none stop since about 14 weeks which i could do without but only around 13 weeks left :dance:

It does shock me when people even mention my bump but when i look down or in the mirror i understand what they are looking at :)
Welcome to third tri!!!!

It deffinatly is the moaning trimester! ha! Since last week all Ive done is moan how my hips ache and today it looked like I had elephant feet! Wont be long and you can meet your little girly :)

Hope third tri goes well and quick for you! x
wwwwooo!!! congrats last bit now. i'll be hear on sat. cant wait to finish the last bit. we are getting that bit closer now to the real thing! x
Hey i'm in here on thursday but have been popping in for months. They say its the moaning trimeaster and i can see why my back is killing me and i feel i could sleep forever!

haha the moaning trimester! i'd agree with that one. :) x
Welcome to the dark side ;) defo the moaning trimester! I was trying to think earlier of something really positive and upbeat to post and ended up crying at something I read on a website. Hehe, all worth it in the end!!

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