

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Hi I thought I would introduce myself. We have just started TTC :) My last depo was in March 07 and my periods are still irregular so not sure how long it will take... Part of the reason is probably I started the depo when I was 16 and have only had 2 years break inbetween so my periods have never really had a chance to regulate themselves. I have had 2 light periods since they started again in April. I am 28 and recently did a First Response test which had a very faint line that turned up, got me very excited then disappeared after about 20 minutes :cry: Apparently (According to www.peeonastick.com) I am not the only one that this has happened to. I got some cheapie test sticks from Savers and the 99p store and they all said a BFN. The doc said don't bother charting as I am still irregular and they won't look at doing any tests for another 2 years but I am still charting as I can see clear changes in CV etc.

Well I wish you all luck and hope we are not in here for too long (In the nicest possible way)!

I am taking a preconception conditioning formula which includes folic acid, the corresponding Vitus Agnus Cactus from the same brand to assist with regulating me. My nutritionist (One of the 'Diet Doctors') recommended the company http://www.nourish-fertility.com/?women`s-programme

Is there anything else that I could take to help?
/Users/jodisweetman/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2008/5 Aug 2008/P1030654.JPG

Not sure if this will work, but I tried to post a pic of the very faint postitive first response test that disappeared...

Don't think it is working. How do I add an image?
:wave: hiya welcome to the forum, if you put
img    ] (without the spaces) at the end it should help

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