

Jan 2, 2008
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Hello! :wave:

Im Kate and im 21. I found out on new years eve that im pregnant with my first child.

Baby is very unplanned! Infact i was on the pill so not sure how it happened!!

I havent told other half yet... im still plucking up the courage to do so!

We got engaged last year and we have just bought a house together so moneys a little tight right now so not sure how hes going to react!!

Look forward to getting to know lots of lovely ladies!!

Kate xxx
:wave: hiya welcome 2 the forum!

my baby was unplanned and i was on the pill too and also i was worried how my boyf would react i didnt tell him for nearly 2 days! we were also struggling financially our boiler had just broken down we had no heating or hot water in october freezing and we had to find £2000 from nowhere i thought my boyf would go mad! but he took it really well, as im sure yours will too :hug:
good luck
Thanks Trixiepaws that really helped!! I think i might tell him tonight! I'll let you know how it goes!
welcome and huge congrats hope all goes well hun :hug: :hug:
Ok.. things went bad...

As i guessed OH did not take it well and thinks i should go to the docs and see how far i am along to decide what we do.

Im so upset, he says he doesnt want a baby yet, he says hes not ready to be a dad and not mature enough.

I dont know what to do, i dont want to lose him.

It seems so unfair all these people trying for babys and not being able to and then me, pregnant without trying.

aww hun im sorry he didnt take the news well, maybe it was just a shock for him and in a ouple of days will get used to it and get all excited!!
dont do anything ur not happy with tho hun :hug:
welcome to the forum
Thanks hun.

Im not going to rush into anything. Im going to get an appointment at the docs to work out how pregnant i actually am and then go from there.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Awww hun, bless ya.
I agree that he may have just been shocked and given some time to think about it he will calm down and actually be thrilled at the idea.
Just remember that it took 2 to make the baby, so don't feel pressured into doing anything that you are not happy with.

Hope everything works out for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww im sorry to hear that sweety :(
i think maybe he needs time for it to sink in- it must be a massive shock to him but if he loves u he wont bully u into anything. i hope it works out :hug:
kate86 said:
Ok.. things went bad...

As i guessed OH did not take it well and thinks i should go to the docs and see how far i am along to decide what we do.

Im so upset, he says he doesnt want a baby yet, he says hes not ready to be a dad and not mature enough.

I dont know what to do, i dont want to lose him.

It seems so unfair all these people trying for babys and not being able to and then me, pregnant without trying.


Aww Kate! I didn't plan mine either (I'm 20) & I was on the pill - but you know what, nature brings some funny situations when we least expect it. It's how we deal with those situations that make us the people we are.

Be proud of your little one, and whatever you and your OH decide to do, you can always log on and have a chat for comfort.

He might come round :) then you can plan a new and exciting life together.

Kate my thoughts are with you and hope that you are able to sort it out between you both.
Don't forget we're here if you need us! :wink:

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