

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi everyone, i am new and a first timer. Think i am 5 weeks, lots of things spinning in my head and questions...dont know where to start!!
Welcome Mellyy... Congrats on your bfp..... sure that the girls here can help answer some of your questions... :-)

I only found out yesterday, and today am just exhaused, couldnt sleep, and crying...is that normal???!!
Hi Mellyy, welcome and congrats.

Yes weepy and not sleeping is normal. In a few weeks you'll be the opposite, cranky and sleeping a lot. lol
Thanks everyone.
It really is great being able to 'talk' to people who understand, and are/have gone through the same.
It is still sinking in, but we are both very excited!!

I have a question tho, about exercise...how much is ok? i am meant to be walking 26 miles in 4 weeks, and im not sure if i should still do it....the past few weeks, i have really struggled doing 2-8 miles (before i found out), and i dont know what to do. I know exercise is good, but 8 hours of constant walking...im not sure...any advice???

Hi Melly

Welcome, and congratulations.

I am just a few weeks ahead of you, and it's my first time too. I had loads of questions and have pretty much no idea about pregnancy, I am also currently living outside the UK and far away from my family and friends who have all done it before!
This site is great though, everyone is really friendly and offers advice.
I can't help you on the walking question though...perhaps speak to your Doctor?
Hi Ariel,

Congratulations to you too :)

I want to tell everyone but my boyfrtiend wont let me!! I have told a couple of close friends that is it. But i want to tell my family, but he is keen on waiting until the first scan. Did you tell anyone??

Its so strange, and although i am happy, i still cant believe it!!
How has the first couple of months been for you? anything for me to be aware of??!!

Yes this site really is great, and i will see my doc in a couple of weeks and see what she says, my first app is 27th april.

I rang my best friend as soon as I had done the test and squealed...it was unexpected and I was a little petrified! The I told my parents and sister at eight weeks. They are delighted and now anxious for the first scan so they can tell everyone else!

First couple of months...hmmm...I have been quite ill (sick) but I hear not everyone gets it so you might be lucky and as for things to be aware of...I am pretty clueless, I was quite emotional but it seems to have turned to short temper and tiredness now...not great for those around me hehe!!
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Im not sure if i can hold off until the scan before telling my family, but will have to see!!!!!

Yes, the sickness....really hope i dont get it bad, its the one thing i have always feared lol!
I am already emotional, tired and short tempered...oopsss!!!
I was happy to tell my family as I know they can keep the secret until I give them permission to shout it from the roof tops! (No one saw it coming...not even me and now they are excited!!!)

Take it as it comes...if you do get the sickness there are lots of remedies to try... mention it on here if you get it and everyone will offer some advice on what helped them..it's great, it's like instant answers on here!!

Take Care.

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