Hello Tri 1!

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls, :wave:

for those that don't know I got my BFP 3 days ago, AF is a no show and I'm feeling pretty positive that this is finally my time! :)

I've been TTC for 14 months with lots of chemical pregnancies and have taken progesterone this time to help me from OV til the end of Tri 1.

After all the time in TTC there wasn't much I didn't know but yesterday I was thinking OMG I don't know anything about pregnancy, I mean I have a rough idea but I'm going to have a lot to learn too.

I felt like a bad bean mummy yesterday, I had a bacon and egg buttie, and then at lunch was 2/3 of the way through a gooey lemon meringue pie and I thought shit, am I meant to eat this?? And still polished it off!

I also spent the whole day shopping, in tight jeans and low heels but heels all the same. How easy are we meant to take it?? I really don't know?

Food wise I have a rough idea of what not to eat but what I don't know other than eating healthily what things are really good for you to eat when preggers.

Symptom wise so far slight nausea, sore boobs, the odd cramp/twinge that scare me, that's it at the moment I guess, what week do they really start to take hold?

Looking forward to sharing my journey with you girls, congratulations to everyone too!

:wave: Hola!

Lovely to finally see you here!

Don't worry about the bacon and egg sarny nor the heels lol.... You wanna make the most of your food whilst you still can :)

Just relax and take each day as it comes. You will be surprised how quick it goes!

I'd do anything to have a bacon and egg sarny now!! Dammit :(


Ha ha!

How's it going Loopy? :)

I can't believe you're nearly in Tri 2, how long til your scan?

I'm being very good today, I've had a massive smoothie so far with 2 peaches 10 strawberries and a punnet of raspberries! mmmmmm...

How long til I start to feel rough then do you reckon?

it kicks in at 6 weeks.... xx from my experience anyway
Im good thanks for asking. I am fed up of feeling crap now and really can't wait for it to ease of!! Damn all day sickness sucks!!

I think all pregnancies are different but if you go of mine I started feeling hungover every morning starting from 6 weeks but never sick.. Just that kinda headache dry mouth hangover feeling. Its weird and can't really describe it lol but yeah I had that to start with and then 8 weeks onwards the sickness kicked in big time! I get ill on an empty stomach mainly or when I'm thirsty I get sick. I have to eat as soon as I wake up but I struggle cooking anything as I start heaving and have my head in the kitchen sink! Really really can't wait for it to pass!

I have my scan when I'll be 12 weeks and 4 days which is on Thursday 4th august in the afternoon! Sooooo nervous !!!

I bet you and your OH and made up and can't stop smiling can you :) .. I still havnt stopped smiling ( well I stop to curse the sickness lol ).

Have you told anybody yet?


Thanks Sam's girl, how are you?

Loopy, the sickness sounds like something to look forward to then lol!

4th August I have an appointment too, and I reckon I might have an early scan then too.
I just don't know how to date my PG and don't want to have it too early and worry if there's no heartbeat.

My LMP was 19th June you see but I didn't OV til the 10th July -2 weeks ago today.

If they did a scan on the 4th I'd be 5w 4d, in real terms but counting from my LMP I'd be 6w 4d.

Sam's girl, do I remember right you OV'd later in your cycle? Any ideas Hun?

Yay your here! I eat Healthily but after doing countless trips to the loo in the night, woke up feeling like I had a slab of concrete for a chest I treated myself to a NYC breakfast in Dorset-maple syrup, pancakes bacon and poached eggs there's a one of a five a day in there somewhere! Xxx
I forgot to say I've told my Mum, my brother and sister in law and my 2 best friends, they know all what's happened in the past and I would only talk to them if god forbid something went wrong anyway.

I'm off out on Wednesday with two other good friends who are in Tri 3, they both know what's been going on too, I reckon as there'll be a few of us and girls who are not PG who'll have a glass of wine, when I don't drink they'll guess or if they ask how I'm getting on which I think they will they'll guess by my face.

Have I got a too big mouth, I'm not telling the world just people already know where I was at with TTC.

Family wise, especially grandparents I think would be more likely to be upset if something went wrong so we'll probably wait till the 1st scan.

Mmmm Sunbeam, I'm jealous, that sounds YUMMY!!

Do you live in NYC?

Ha no I wish I did! I live in Dorset went to a cafe!

Don't worry Hun you have Good reasons for sharing your news with your closest friends and family xx I am a bit sad that due to the nature of my job (dealing with mean people!) I had to tell my boss and it's leaked out to the entire team...I haven't even told my parents yet! My boyfriend just gave me a hug and told me not to be sad about it but I was a bit worried it would mentally take the shine off it for me!

Oh it was the yummiest breakfast, I'm convinced you must need the things you crave...that's my justification!xxx
Thanks Sam's girl, how are you?

Loopy, the sickness sounds like something to look forward to then lol!

4th August I have an appointment too, and I reckon I might have an early scan then too.
I just don't know how to date my PG and don't want to have it too early and worry if there's no heartbeat.

My LMP was 19th June you see but I didn't OV til the 10th July -2 weeks ago today.

If they did a scan on the 4th I'd be 5w 4d, in real terms but counting from my LMP I'd be 6w 4d.

Sam's girl, do I remember right you OV'd later in your cycle? Any ideas Hun?


I ov'd bang on day 14 on a 28 day cycle...so no help really......but i have just worked it out and i had my scan 4 weeks and 6 days after i conceived and i could see a heartbeat...if that helps at all?

i was dated at 6 weeks 4 days at the scan and that was from my lmp too......so you should be okay...xx
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Thanks Sam's Girl!

Sunbeam, I'm going to kill you after my smoothie I had a full english, sausage, bacon, egg, potato cakes melted cheese the works! It was yummy though!

Yipeeeeeee!!!!!!! :D

I am sooooooOOOooo Happy for you maybe!

After everything that's been going on in Norway I've been distracted and haven't been on here for the past few days, but I was stalking your thread like crazy before that!

Such happy news! :)

You really deserve it!!!

Welcome! :)

Might get back to trying to answer some more questions later, now I just want to go and read your 2WW thread and see how everything progressed :p

Thanks lovely! :love::flower:

Hope all your friends and family are ok.

Thanks Maybe! As far as I know I don't know anyone who got hurt.. hopefully it stays that well! We're just all in shock by it all really, as it could have happened to anyone really! My sister w family and all my grandparents, uncles and aunts live in Oslo, and many friends too, and my family lives close (mum works in Oslo) so any of them could have been caught up in it! But luckily no one were... but it makes it all so real and makes you empathise with the people it did happen to so much more... BUT enough of that! Reading you finally made it really lifted my spirits :)

The way I see it with the food... Healthy eating is definitely best, but the baby will take what it needs from you, so the baby is pretty safe, you'll be the one who suffers if you don't get enough nutrients! When it comes to the foods to avoid most of them are not directly damaging for the baby. Most of the time you're just supposed not to eat them because there is a risk of you getting sick from them or get food poisoning or similar, and that is worse now that you're pregnant than when you are not. For instance, you're not supposed to have raw eggs, not because raw eggs (includes desserts made with raw eggs or similar) are bad for you but because there's a risk you can get salmonella. The risk of getting salmonella is very slim, so if you happen to eat something you're not supposed to a few times, there's no need to panic, that in itself won't harm the baby... Of course that doesn't mean we should eat the things we shouldn't eat :p But I think it's important not to get completely stressed out about it and worry constantly that you somehow ate something you shouldn't without realising it etc. :p

High heels should be fine by now, but is bad later on because it can cause extra strain on your lower back and also as the body changes we apparently get more clumsy, so we want to minimise any risk of falling :p Wear tight jeans as much as you want! Enjoy it while you can :p It won't hurt anything, but in a few weeks it might make you feel nauseous :p

Also, if you're used to being active you can stay active! I've been quite unsure about exercise myself (so maybe you are too) and I've decided to not do too much. I've been doing weights and interval running etc before, but have stopped doing that and do a lot of walking (always recommended on all pregnancy pages, by midwives etc, as a preferred for of exercise, but that's not something I consider exercise, which is why I was so unsure what they actually mean when they say you can and should exercise and then they go on to recommend walking...), cycling (will stop when I have a bump in case of accidents) and I'm planning on going back to swimming. It's adviced to talk to a GP or midwife about whatever exercise you want to do, so I would try to do that, and be very specific (otherwise they say yes it is safe to exercise, and what they mean is yes it's OK to go for long walks, which of course is not the same thing!) Saying this as you seem like an active and fit person... so it might be relevant!

I was tired almost from the beginning, but the absolute exhaustion and proper nausea/vomiting started aroun 6 weeks for me (and many others it seems)

That was a lot of writing... :p Guess it's because I haven't been on here in a while... hope you don't mind reading it all :p
Aww thankyou Hun!

That's great!

I'm feeling great today very happy and chilled, I reckon I'll give the gym a miss until after my early scan and then start some classes after that, I've stopped driving everywhere and I'm walking instead which is good for the body and the mind I think!

yay :dance:

i know im not in tri 1 but i still pop my head in here for the ttc girls. hope ur first few days are going well, again so so happy to see you here xxxxxxx
Maybe u have been asking all the questions I wana ask! Im scared to eat anthing now!! I suppose as long as its cooked it will be fine?!

Im sooooooooo excited! we've finally done it maybe!!!

Maybe...I have ruined myself today so don't feel bad about your breakfast. After my epic NYC brunch I have had a BBQ this afternoon, needless to say my skinny jeans are rapidly developing an 'over hang' which is not pregnancy weight gain just gluttony! It's bad I'm normally fit, super healthy but this weekend = write off!


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