Hello, joining from 1st tri!


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Sep 20, 2006
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Well i am 13 weeks today so its time i moved over here.
Can't belive its the 2nd tri already. Ifeel so non-pregnant lately it is very worrying. :?

How did everyone else feel at 13 weeks? I feel a bit like i'm making it up. My flabby belly i had also seems to have disapeared, is that a bad sign?? :cry:

I have ordered a doppler so hope that will put my mind at rest. I lost an angel in July and am worrying so much this time round! :cry: I am also supposed to be having my Nuchal scan next wednesday. But i am trying to get hold of my midwife who seems to have failed to niotice i will be 14 weeks then which is too late! So if they can't change it i'll have to try and get a private one done! :x

But hey ho!

How is everyone?

Laura & Peanut
Hello!! :wave:

I joined on Monday. Isn't it strange being in 2nd tri already??

I don't get my first scan until 16 December - will be nearly 15 weeks then!! Got used to the idea now, but was really disappointed when I found out it was going to be so late.

Ring the scanning dept and ask if they have your appointment through yet. It might just be that they have a back log on the letters going out.

Look forward to going through 2nd tri with you.

Heather x

(Sorry, edited to say, I didn't read your post properly, I thought you said that you hadn't had your scan date through yet - ring them anyway, they may be able to squeeze you in).
Hiya, welcome to second tri! It's completely normal to feel worried, until I started feeling movements I worried that something had gone wrong all the time. Fortunately 2nd tri is where it gets exciting - big bellies, kicks & detailed scans!

So make yourself at home and enjoy the next 13 weeks. It goes really fast (can't believe I'll be moving on soon!).
Hello again!


P.S. Don't panic, I still don't feel pregnant either!
Thanks for the replies guys!

I have phoned my midwife and am waiting for her to ring back. :bored: I don't actually have her number so have to leave a message at the surgery reception!! :roll:

I just can't belive they have booked me in for a Nuchal scan at 14 weeks. Surely they can't be that stupid. I haven't even reiceved the letter yet so i don't even know what time. I was going to see if there was a number on the letter and try ringing them.

If not i will have to have a private one. Which is terrible seeing as it is their cock up and not mine. I told them at 10 weeks i wanted a nuchal scan.

I'm angry............can you tell! :x

Anyway nice to meet you all :cheer:
Don't worry i think there's a few of us who don't really 'feel' pregnant, enjoy it :dance: Time to bloom :hug:

Welcome to 2nd tri, the best of all three i think, only big bumps, sleepless nights and pain in the next one :rotfl:
:wave: i don't know if you got my message on the 1st trimester but any way i said to you i know how you feel, i had 2 miscarriage last year. Which they both ended in early miscarriage, i have never made it to 13 weeks before with no compilations so that does kind of keep me at ease....... and the fact i had a scan at 12weeks and 3 days and everything was beautifully fine :pray: but i still that I'm not pregnant and there might be something wrong.....

i just hope it passes as we are both hitting the 2nd trimester :dance:


:wave: welcome to the second tri, im feeling very un pregnant at the moment too, dont worry. hope you get your nuchal sorted, i had mine about 3 weeks ago and it was amazing to see LO. x
Hi Neeko,

Wow due the day before me!
I think after a loss you can't help but fear the worst.
I had a scan at 11 weeks which was mazing and everything was fine, but i was still thinking that was two weeks ago and something could have happened since.
Also as i was completely unaware of my last m/c (no pain or bleeding) i know that you might not know that something has happened. Although that was at 7 weeks so maybe i would?!?

Anyway i hope you don;t worry as much as me, i'm sure when we feel kicks we will relax a bit more.

Love Lau
Welcome to the mad house......... :cheer:

Don't panic too much about feeling un-pregnant - we've all been there (or have it to come), I think one of my first posts in second tri was about how I didn't feel slightly pregnant - its as you get through first tri and start to feel 'normal' again, that you feel like there must be a problem with not feeling ill........ :hug:
this is really funny that me and you are so close together in due dates and we both real the exact same!!!!!!!!! :?
as i had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks... but i had bleeding very on and it stopped and started again then stopped then my angel died at 6 orb7 weeks which was shown at my 12 week scan... so when i had my 12 weeks scan last week i was going round in circles... but will be fine we should enjoy this time.... :D
Emmylou said:
Welcome to the mad house......... :cheer:

Yup welcome to the mad tri! :cheer:

hormones all over the place but lots of nice scans and stories and symptoms and growing bumps and baby kicks over the next few months!!! :cheer:
Hiya Hun welcome to 2nd tri :D
Don't worry you'll be feeling preggers soon enough :wink:
Thanks guys,

Well i sorted my Nuchal scan (sort off)

They are still doing it on the 13th when i will be 14 weeks exactly. The midwife said they will have a look and see if its too late. If it is they will just do it based on bloods. I am still annoyed but have given up making a fuss.

Still haven't had the letter yet though so i have no idea what time wednesday.

Oh well at least i will get to see peanut again, dancing around and still there (fingers crossed!!).

Love Lau
lmarszall said:
Thanks guys,

Well i sorted my Nuchal scan (sort off)

They are still doing it on the 13th when i will be 14 weeks exactly. The midwife said they will have a look and see if its too late. If it is they will just do it based on bloods. I am still annoyed but have given up making a fuss.

Still haven't had the letter yet though so i have no idea what time wednesday.

Oh well at least i will get to see peanut again, dancing around and still there (fingers crossed!!).

Love Lau

hey, my first scan was late too, i thought i was 14+5 weeks but they put me back to 13+2. they didnt seem concerned when they still thought i was 14+5 tho (about it being too late)
good luck with it :hug:

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