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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hi everyone, I am joining you in the 2nd trimester now, I am quite excited as I hear the chance of miscarriage dramatically decreases, is this true? Also is it normal to look pregnant at this stage (13 weeks) or is it the chips!
Hiya Missac and welcome to 2nd tri (although i no longer belong here officially!)

It all depends on the person realy about when you start showing, some are really early some are later on!
Hi vicki83, i think its chips!! Is it right that it fels harder in the morning? Are baby bumps generally hard or are some soft? I know i sound dense but this is number one!!
I know mines feels harder after some rumpy pumpy but that's seemingly braxton hicks!

Sometimes my tummy is harder than others, don't know why though - this is my first too, so we're just as clueless as each other!!

Whereabouts in Scotland you from?
i live near forfar, have lived in scotland for 6 years am originally from northants. How about you?
welcome hunny... i showed from about 11weeks... everyone is different..
Hi hun, welcome to the 2nd trimester, I only go tomorrow left here and thats it, round three :shock:

I looked like Id just put on weight until about 20 weeks ish, then the bump really started to take its true shape! All depends on your size and shape pre pregnancy tbh.

My tummy goes soft and then hard, changes all the time! When its really hard it feels so uncomfortable :(
Hello missac,

Glad you came, I have started showing over the last week, I posted my pic in the tummy pic thread earlier in the week, I am also thinking it may be the chips but am blaming it on baby :oops:

hello everyone, I am going to look at the tummy pics to compare myself!!! :wave:
Welcome missac :wave:
I started to show at about 12-13weeks, I was fairly short and skinny(well i still am short :roll: ) --- there isn't any hiding it now! The first person who asked was when I was 10 wks :shock: think that was just bloating and stuffing myself tho' :lol:
:wave: hello and welcome, sometimes my tummy feels hard and then soft sometimes my bump hasn't pregressed yet i still just look like i ate all the pies!!

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