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Nov 21, 2010
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Hello im new here!
Im Katie and im 21, got an unexpected BFP last night, having slept on it im feeling quite positive and happy about it, i always knew i wanted children so why not do it now? on the other hand my boyfriend is not so happy, he keeps saying we are too young, we havent got our own house, we wont be able to afford it ... I just think we have been together for nearly 5 years, we both love eachother, we both have jobs, thats a good start isnt it?

Hi! Welcome and congratulations!

With my first, like you it was a complete shock and I cried a lot. I was 23 and my OH was 21 but he was the one saying how great it was and how we'd manage and we did!! We had only been together a year at this point.

If u two have got 5 years under your belt and ur solid, I'm sure you'll be fine! It's something to look forward to and I'm so glad we did it when we did. We're on our second now at 27 and 25 and this was planned so we couldn't be more pleased!

Good luck and hope he comes round soon xx
Hi hun I'm sure ul be fine and I don't think anyone is ever ready! I'm 27 nd my partner is 24 we been together over 5 years now. Still doesn't make it any less scary but u def got a good foundation by the sound of it. We do live together, we have for 3 years which I guess is easier but I'm sure u and him will sort somethin out and it will all fall into place in the end x
Hey congrats ! I had my first baby at 21 :hugs: its scary at the time we had both been renting awful places and had no job but everything fell into place , the important thing is your in love :) and now you both will have someone extra to love xx
Congrats :) he will come round to the idea and you will be fine :)

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I'm 37 and pregnant with my first one !!! I've always been waiting for the right time,believe me there isn't one !!
Thanks guys, he's really not happy and said he seriously does'nt want it. We are going away for new years and he says that ive ruined it now coz he wont be able to stop thinking about it :( guess we just need time to talk about it more over the next couple of weeks xx
stick to your ground Katie,don't let him make you feel bad...I got pressured into having a termination when I was about your age by my boyfriend at the time,this remains my biggest regret...the boyfriend in question is long gone but I had to leave with that decision for the last 15 years...
Sorry to hear that wookie, big hugs xx

Defo good advice though, it's your decision at the end of the day Katie so do what's right for you

Hi honey! Congratulations!!!! I betcha he's just scared shitless at the prospect of being a daddy..... He will feel his youth has been stripped away from him. The thing is, once you have the baby, you will wonder how life ever was before he/she came along! You do need to talk this through though he will more than likely be a caveman when it comes to the whole pregnancy thing so maybe buy a good book on pregnancy, childbirth and early years - something with a good "for him" section in it. Its.not fair on you him behaving this way, you have hormones all over the place and its your body going through all these changes. He needs to understand that. One of my best friends had her first at 17, second at 21 and they are as strong as ever as a couple. They do have help from family, do you? Anyway, Im 38 on baby number 2 so there is no right and wrong time to have kids. Just think you will be a young mummy and will still be young and fit when your child is all grown up. I, on the other hand will have my walking stick lol..... Hey,Im just over 4 weeks so we can go through this together woo hoo!! Congrats chick, enjoy!
Thanks for your advice, its made me feel a bit better :) i have never agreed with abortions. My mum had my when she was only 17 with no support from my dad atall! i can do this and i know he will stick by me! xx
Tracey we have the same due date how cool is that! Do you have any symptoms at the moment? I have back ache and AF type pains but think they are starting to ease off, also felt a bit sick today but not sure is that is the shock of finding out and the way my boyfriend is acting. Just been out and bought some pregnacare :) xx
Hi Katie, it's true, there is never a perfect time. I had my first at 18, once your baby is here all of your worries look a lot less worrying, good luck hunni xx

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