Hello girls!!!!

I am seriously wondering if maybe I'm not ov'ing as I think the coil can stop it in some cases. Maybe mine will take a while to start again.
Temping is becoming increasingly tempting :think:
that would be a good idea MM as you can't missread the temp but opk are easier to get wrong, plus its really exciting to see it on paper, and it never changes no matter how long you had it written down for!!! :D
I agree Sophie! For me, temping is the one thing that is RELIABLE! You can't have an imaginary temp rise or temp drop. And it does tell you for sure if you've Oved.
Go for it MM. The thermometers are affordable, and fertility friend is free!
You really have nothing to lose but a few minutes of quality AM sleep.
Thanks girls, I have just ordered a thermometer from ebay. If I'm not ov'ing I will at least be able to go to the doctors with evidence after a few months of temping. If I am it will put my mind at rest. I didn't get a postive opk despite doing them every day for 8 days.
Hi :) sorry to barge in on the thread but this caught my eye as I have a Mirena right now and am planning on TTC next year. I just wanted to know if it is actually possible that I won't ever Ov ever again after it's been taken out? Has anyone heard this? I'm a bit :shock: now!
You're not barging in happy alice! The more the merrier, this thread is for everyone :hug: :hug:

I've never heard of anyone never ov'ing ever again after the mirena. I think it's rare that ov stops totally anyway.I don't think thats anything to worry about.

The only scare stories I've heard are miscarriages if you get pregnant in the first 3 months after removal due to the womb lining not having enough time to build up, and that you should wait 3 months after removal before ttc. I don't know how true this is though because it's just stuff I've read online. When I had my mirena removed my doctor said I could start ttc straight away.

I'm sure there's no need for you to worry :hug:
Ah good thanks you've reassured me, it's scary when you mess about with your own body, I bled lightly for the 1st 6/7 weeks after it went in and also have no sex drive - I might have it taken out and try another contraception until we TTC, it feels all unnatural and I don't want it to risk future fertility :think: I don't like condoms, I don't like the pill, I had that little machine where you pee on sticks and it tells you whether you are fertile or not but my daughter was a result of using that! I have had a copper IUD but had too much bleeding and now have the Mirena. I don't think I'll ever find a contraception that I like :think:
I think lack of sex drive is a common side affect with the mirena, probably why it's so effective!
I know what you mean about finding a suitable contraceptive, they all seem to have downsides. Getting the mirena removed a few months before ttc might be a good idea to give your body a chance to recover and get back into a regular cycle again
one of my friends had the merina taken out in January and fell within 2 months but that ended in m/c about 8 weeks but she fell again the following month and is now doing well :D
Good morning girls! How are we all today? Any news from those waiting to test?

I'm going into Aberdeen today to find an outfit to wear to a wedding I'm going to next month. I haven't been to a wedding for over 10 years. What do people even wear to weddings these days?! :think:
Don't know about what to wear for weddings but think you can get away with more casual now. If weather is like it is here you will need a raincoat and wellies! We are supposed to be going to a BBQ this afternoon but the weather is poo :( . Hope it brightens up a bit later.
I hate having to find outfits for posh occassions. The bride is a childhood friend of my OH and I've only met her once so I'm not going to know anyone at the wedding apart from OH. To make matters worse she is marrying into an extremely rich family so I'm going to feel like a complete chav! I don't do posh! The wedding is taking place in a church in the afternoon, and will be followed by an evening reception in a hotel. I think it's going to be very formal. Do I wear one outfit, or one for the wedding and one for the reception? I was thinking maybe a floaty dress or skirt with a jacket or something....arghhh!!!!

I hope you enjoy your BBQ by the way fifi :D
Oh so you can't get away with a bit more casual then! I like the idea of the floaty dress/skirt with jacket, because then you can wear jacket during the day for church and without for the evening, so no need for two outfits. My brother in law got married last year and that was a posh do but I just wore a dress for both day and night as there was no gap in the wedding it went on right through the day into the night. It's awful when you don't really know anyone at a wedding, I always feel really nervous when I'm going to a party where I don't know anyone.
For my brother in laws wedding, I didn't know whether to wear a hat or not and I got really stressed about it. Anyway, I decided to go with the hat, it was really nice, but the day was so hot, when I took it off later my lovely blow dried hair had a big ridge all the way around where the hat had been! I'd had a glass or 2 of wine by then though so didn't care too much 'till I saw the pictures! :oops:
I bet OH is expecting me to get an entire outfit for £20 too! Better go to primark :rotfl:

I am looking forward to it though because it's in Derbyshire and we will be staying in a hotel. MIL will be looking after James. 2 nights of freedom with no kid :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Good luck with Primark! :D

Lucky you 2 nights of grown up time in hotel, no child, going down for breakfast in the morning, room service. I love staying in hotels!
I've decided not to wear a hat because I've never really worn one before so it's something else to feel self concious about.

Also, I don't really want to spend money on something I'm not going to wear again, I'd rather spend more money on a nice new outfit.

I need a new bag, and shoes! OH is gonna have a fit, I don't think he realised it would cost him so much money :lol:
I agree with the no hat, wish someone had said that to me. You will never wear it again (mines stuck on a shelf in my wardrobe), their can be expensive, and you don't want to look like you recently had brain surgery like I did! (the big ridge round my hair!) :D

Shoes and bag much better as can be used over and over again. We only had to pay for my outfit for bil's wedding because hubby was best man, ds was paige boy, so their outfits were paid for, which meant I had more money to spend on my outfit! :lol:
:rotfl: at brain surgery. Nope that is so not a good look!

Lucky you at having outfits paid for. I'd better drag OH outta bed otherwise we'll never get in town. I'm not putting pressure on myself to find something today. If I can't find anything I'll just have to drag OH into town for another shopping trip next week.
I'm not in the mood for ir today, I'm having a fat day :D

See you later :wave: :wave: :wave:

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