Hello girls!!!!

Good morning everyone. My breakfast made me feel really sick this morning, and I couldn't drink my coffee, I've got a headache again too.
It's probably nothing though cos I was feeling sick and had a heaache last month.
Maybe it's the af hormones kicking in :think:
:wave: morning.

Im at home, and iv finally got the internet at home now. Watched IT last night and it wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be :rotfl:
IT as in the film IT? With the scarey clown? You're braver than me - it still scares me now
Pennywise (was that his name?) used to scare the hell out of me as a kid!
I quite fancy seeing that again, not seen it for at least 12 years
yep the clown film, DH read the book the other day so i bought the dvd to try out, its not like the book at all. 3 hours long aswell, wasnt really expecting that. I thought id be too scared to go get a drink but im just scared of the bathroom and the living room now :oops: hehe.
I hate clowns :shock:
My son laughs at me because he thinks they're friendly......hoe little he knows :twisted:
Good morning ladies! (Well, morning in the US anyways)

Never saw IT...The Stand scared me. I'm a chicken when it comes to scary movies! Won't even watch 'em on Friday the 13th.

I hope you all have a wonderful 13th!

Muppetmommy - sounds like you may have a touch of morning sickness! Hoping for you!!! Fingers crossed.
hiya girls

IT preety much ruined my childhood. i was scared of teddies after watchin tht film.
i hate clown to i think they evil lol

my cold is finally goin thankgod. my lil girl caught it had a very bad time with her but luckily shes fine now.
mary70 said:
morning Leanne any big plans for the weekend then?
i am off on hols tomorrow :dance: only skegg for a week but i am looking forward to the rest
hey hun :wave: well tonight i am off to my new blokes :wink: going to watch a DVD and have a few drinks...tomrorow i am going to look for a new car with my mate then tomorrow night me, my mate, my bloke and his mate might be going to the pub (again!!) LOL and then Sunday hopefully just relaxing!!!! have a fab time in Skeg hunny!! :dance:
im too scared to kiss DH incase i open my eyes and im making out with a clown :puke: :rotfl:
I watched IT recently, wasn't as scary as i remember but i still wouldn't watch it alone :)

Has anyone seen The Grudge? Now THAT sacred me, i had to sleep with the lights on after watching it! :oops:
I think I've seen the trailers for it. Is it the one were shes in the shower and a hand appears in the back of her hair? :shock:
i cant watch stuff like the grudge or ring or any weird japanese kinda films, they creep me out :cry:
skairdykat said:
I think I've seen the trailers for it. Is it the one were shes in the shower and a hand appears in the back of her hair? :shock:

Yeah that's it! Plus when scary things happen this noise starts up - well DH keeps doing the noise at me and sh*tting me up! :evil:
I don't know if any of you have seen The Predator...but he's an evil alien creature that is scary as he##! He's invisible most of the time, then you hear this horrible noise and then the Predator eats you alive. My DH thinks it's cute to make that noise and watch me freak out :shock: ! I DO NOT think it's cute.
Yeah I've seen the predator, that was scary! I love The Ring (have seen both original japanese version and us remake), I have only seen the remake ring 2 though and I thought it was rubbish. Anyone seen dark water? That was along the same lines and very creepy.

Muppetmommy - sounds like you may have a touch of morning sickness! Hoping for you!!! Fingers crossed.

That would be nice but I really don't think I'm pg this month. I think my bodies just sensitive to the af hormes after having a mirena coil and no periods for 3 years.
My cervix is low and soft which I think means af is on the way.

I hope you have a good time tonight Miss G, please don't tell your blokes mate he looked like a pig in that photo! :rotfl:

G;ad to hear you're feeling better jemz
I had the merina for 3 and a quarter years, and my periods stopped pretty quickly after insertion. I was really relieved when AF arrived 2 weeks after having it removed as when the doctor removed it she said it could take a while for my periods to return.
OH is glad it's out as although it was fantastic having no pain and no periods my sex drive completely disappeared when it was in. I seriously couldn't have cared less is I never had sex ever again :shock: :shock:
I had the depo injection for 4 1/2 years and the merina straight after, I had the same no sex drive too and put on loads of weight with the depo!!!! I think the only good thing about it was not having periods!! Mine also came back after about 2 weeks, but i think i've only just started to ov again. Had the coil out in January this year

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