Hello Girls


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2006
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I think I might join you I have just got my first faint positive and I am just a little bit shocked and very very happy
I feel great at the moment but I am not due all the ikky stuff for a few weeks.
The only clue as to being pregnant at the moment is the positive test, some implantation bleeding and bleeding gums.
Congratulations to everyone else here on your pregnancies hope we are all well
Blimey you don't waste any time :lol: I just replied to you in TTC.

Congratulations, you so deserve it :hug:

i am a fast worker :rotfl: no really I am only on cycle day 14 of a 21-26 day cycle and I ovulated on day six :D ....... will slow down now I am in no rush for bubs to come out :)
Congrats whyslifesobig and welcome to the forum glad to see someone on the forum from my neck of the woods (staffordshire) lol
I know the feeling im always knackered lol but ive waited along time for this so i wouldnt change a thing .

Your excited does it ever go away :rotfl: im still excited now and im on my 11 weeks it still aint sunk in .
me too 3 mc and 12 months of trying but I just found out I was doing it all wrong :) apparently I ovulate really early in my cycle

WILSB, i've been following your story in the TTC forum, i'm soooo pleased you got your BFP!!! :cheer:

Now sit back relax keep ya feet up and enjoy it :clap:
well your there now hun :hug: so enjoy it treasure every moment even the sickness lol :)
Yay WILSB! So, so pleased for you, I've also been following your story.

Take care of yourself


Valentine xxx
thanks FeeFee, I intend on doing so right after I get over the shock :D
I am so happy I found you all to share this all with, you all have kept me sane and I am sure that I will need you all now more than ever
I even want the morning sickness I waited so long for morning sickness it would be upsetting to not get any :rotfl:
You can have mine babe mine starts at about 3am and eases off about 2pm and then starts again about 4pm and then doesnt ease off till about 11pm, truly sucks!
BUT does kinda make ya feel more preggers :oops:
Lol i know the feeling of waiting along time it took me and dh years and years ttc for are first child :cry:

I then had to go see docs at hospital who told me i suffered with a fertility problem called pcos :(.

Every month i would do a test and it would always came up with a BFN.

Until now and i can honestly say i cried for hours they were tears of happiness . :)

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