Hello from an excited, scared, emotional, happy newbie

What is the book?

I am enjoying libby purvis "How not to be a perfect mother". It's not about ttc though. It's a bit tempting fate and makes me want one so much, but it is funny and full of good advice for once I do get there.

starfish x

It's 'Expecting' by Anne McGrail & Daphne Metland. It;s really good week by week guide to pregancy and TTC as well. It is just dumbed down but not too hard to read either. I would definately recommend it.
Hey all, well, I am now on CD17 and have done all I can to conceive (when this baby comes, I need to tell him/her that I worked hard to get him/her lol!!). I just need to try not to get my hopes up too much and wait. Been getting some odd symptoms though...although they may be symptoms of ovulation ratherthan pregnancy. But we will see. think I am going to wait until after I am due on my next period at the start of septemeber to test. What do you think?

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