Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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SORRY.. I couldn't resist starting a thread that sounded offensive. I'm so fed up with looking like a beached whale with no clothes that fit, and waddling everywhere I go, that I thought I'd tar you all with the same brush.

I realise most of you are probably beautifuly slim with lovely round bumps, so I apologise.

I'm so pleased to be here. I am so excited about my baby arriving. I feel like now the end is in sight, and now I'm just worrying what lies ahead. Will my baby be fine, will the labour be fine, will the baby be a giant. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES!

Hello to everyone, and hello to everyone has been accompanying me through my stage of the forums.

Pregnant Mums Unite!

Vicki xxx
Hello beached whale, I am a hippo!!!! I can't believe i've still got nearly 10 weeks to go, I'm so fed up already.

ps, I am not beautifuly slim with a lovely round bump - I am a weeball.
Offically 9 weeks to go and just weighed myself at my mum's today to realise that I've put on more than 2 and a half stones! :? So I'm a bit tetchy about the "fatty"/"hippo" phrases :(

I'm still so glad to be here though it does recently feel like I've been pregnant forever. How are you all feeling?

i did have a nice bump and everything and i loved it now i have stretch marks that have creeped in in like 2 days :( and i feel fat as anything
but welcome hunni
Its against the law to weigh yourself whilst pregnant!!!!!!!

Welcome to 3rd tri fellow fatty :rotfl:

I too waddle a lot, I've put on 4 stone whilst pregnant :shock:
The novelty of a big belly has definitely worn off for me now! It was lovely breathing out and not worrying for a while but now I'm so huge that I can only fit in two pairs of trousers, sweat like a pig and can't get out of a chair without huffing and puffing like an old man. Not attractive at all! Come on baby your time is up!
I'll duck when I say this, I've only put on 8 kilos, that must be just over a stone or under a stone and a half :oops: However, I havegone up 4-5 trouser sizes, tops are not a bother, as it's a hot country, just vests but my bump has dropped a bit and is a funny shape now. The top half of my tummy seems to poke out more than my bottom part!

I get so tired now, I can't walk more than 20 mins without being nackered for the rest of the day. I'm fussy more than ever and I am sure the weight scales are lying to me! My body aches all the time now, also, junior is kicking the living cr@p out of me more than ever. My hubby tells me to lay still in bed, fancy that, the cheeky sod! I don't go out much anymore, I get wierd looks if I visit a bar with friends at night, I mean, it's only to stay an hour and see my ladies! Heaven forbid a pregnant lass is out of her house!

I can't clean the house properly and our flat mates are lazy feckers, I can't wait to move at the end of sept! I LOOK LIKE A FLUBBER SEAL when I am in bed, I move like one too :rotfl:

Now, rant over, I fancy a caramel frappachino from starbucks, who wants to come?
Yes, Gem - we hate you! Only kidding, of course :D It's nice to hear that some good has come of your awful sickness: I hope (if it's healthy for you and what you want, that is) that you are the same weight or lighter when your little one arrives.

How are you doing? I know you were going offline for a wee while and were back at work (and was your sister staying for a while?), so I was just wondering how you were getting on. I hope that the girls at work have been nice and that you're enjoying these last stages of your pregnancy.


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