Midwife today! :)

Tasha20 said:
:shock: Blimey theres hormones flying everywere

lol.. where did u get that smiley?
im so loved i dont need you to care about me
so nothing off my back hun :cheer:
fingerscrossed said:
ebony_preggy said:
im talking about ppl telling me im being negative by asking a question...

telling ppllll have also noticed it

ive done it in all these threads that aint been brought to my attention

if u gonna say ive done supm.. show me where ive done it!

maybe this could clear it up,

when i say noticed i mean because it has been addressed by ppl in this thread this is not an attack just an observation/suggestion, it has been you who has gone on to have a full scale blaze at everyone.

Negativity as for example your question made someone feel daft, also in the thread about going out about the smoky atmosphere etc, yes your opinion your entitled to it by all means however it would in fact make smokers feel so bad as an ex smoker i can sympathise with ppl as i do realise it is a hard habit to kick. Also with you mentioning the gay thing, earlier in this thread you said it was repulsive now please remember that i have a family member who is gay to me you saying that and your reply to me in that thread did upset me, the reason i say you is because it was you who replied after my comment and i felt that your comment was a bit predjudice.

As Iv said this has not been an attack simply asking you maybe to read what it is you write, however i feel it was unnecessary for you to really go of at the deep end like this, please take this as it was meant

see wat i mean lol..

boy oh boy..

i didnt say i found it repulsive..

i said 'and if id said i found it repulsive'

if u read in the other thread.. i did say my gay friend showed it to me.. did i not :think:

it got deep becaz all u lot ganged up by saying i was being negative... go back at the first page of the thread and see wat i said to her
my fingers are sore typing to you ebony now its clear to me you didnt like what i and the other people on this thread have said about being a little harsh but never mind you are who you are but....
well im leaving at that cos your flipping again

bye all from this thread
sorry you dont see it from our point of view ebony butcarry on as you were
Can i just bring your attention to you saying earlier that if you had said it was repulsive so what?
To me and im sorry if you disagree but that to me is also a hurtfull comment
Yes you did say that a friend had shown it to you, but when i wrote that my brother was gay and that i suppose to him it was the same as him watching hetero porn, and that porn was porn,
U replied that maybe to me, not to everyone else.
Right nothing overly offensive there apart from making me feel as if my comment/opinion was unnecessary.
Listen Ebony, this isnt getting anyone anywhere is it you have misjudged the point of my comments,
THANKS ebony for trashing my post!
i now feel like i never want to post on this forum again!
thanks fingerscrossed and weestar for you help and support!
i feel like sitting here and cying my eyes out for being so wrong! :cry:
i dont understand how some people can be so nasty!
take no nottice of ebony hun she just likes to think she knows it all tbh
were all supposed to support each other and not to hurt people but then some people just cant help themselvs on here :roll:

Here anytime babe, keep your chin up your doing fantastic
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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