Hello everyone!

I freaking love you all but tri1 will never be the same again i have corrupted the ladies in ttc for far to long lol

I just told Al had i dont think he has stopped jumping up and down. he has also told me im on a sex ban until the baby is born lol xxx
Whoop whoop :yay: love how your DD is your wedding day! Wish going on a diet would get me preg!

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
Al has been saying do you helga take ....hang on hang on puuuuuuuusssshh!:rofl:
Yay Amyrose in tri 1!! Hope to join you soon hon! xx
Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh congrats how the he'll did i miss this!!!
Congrats Hun I'm so pleased for you x

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Yay!! Congratulations, I was following your other thread in ttc. Glad to see you made it ;) here's to a happy & healthy nine months.
Omg how did I miss that? Huge congrats :)
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OMG!! looks like i got back online just in time!

congrats hunni, so great to see you in tri 1!!

best of luck sweetie! :pompom:

Waaaaoooohhhhhhhh OMFG!! whooooppll
Amyrose I'm absolutely made up for you!! Omg this is deffinately a good day!!

Wishing you the healthiest 9 months ever!!

Omg I'm so happy for you

Right we need the others over here now!! X
Aw thanks hun I'm still on cloud 9 xxx
I'm still trying to get everyone up the duff im hoping we have a few more recruits after the weekend. How are you feeling Hun? X
I'm having a good day today chic. Thesepast 6 weeks have been just awful! If you'd of told me 6 weeks ago I'd feel the way I do for another 6 weeks I'd of jumped off a bridge lol!

But hopefully I'm coming out of it now by having good days.
The tiredness and sickness is just awful but obviously good signs xx

Soooo excited for you!!

You had any more thoughts about the wedding? X
i get horrendous morning sickness to im on my guard waiting for it to hit so im scoffing all i can before hand lol
the wedding is still going ahead i know i must be crazy! but we are going to down size it and just have a very intimate do. of course im going to have to sell my dress as it will never fit so im on the hunt for a beautiful maternity one. i love old style dresses the one i have now is very classical looking so i just need one like it with room for my bump dont ask for much do i lol x
Lol I love the old grecian style ones! Maybe you could go for a dress with a band just under the bust so the bump is loose in lots of fabric?

Are you sticking to the date or moving it about a bit?

Kanga booked her wedding just before her BFP too xx
i didnt know i could move the date. we had our meeting and handed in our notice so i dont want to have to do that all over again. i wouldnt mind moving it a few weeks forward but im easy going. i have been looking at the Grecian ones i love them x

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