******* hell!

I've also had a few OMG OMG s*** I cant believe it moments lol

Am 25, this is my first. Tried for 2 years before giving up to have a rest from trying and to go back to college and suddenly bam...lol The world works in very mysterious ways! :D So appreciative that I'm finally going to be a mummy! Am loving every second now that the sickness has gone too but defo still get the OMG feeling every few days! :D

Haha Hugsy you make me giggle! I still don't know what i want to be when i grow up! The only thing i know i'm going to be is a Mum so at least i've got 1 profession sorted! :)
HAHA thats a good way of putting it A2M career check lol
met up with a load of friends today (complicated story, but they know)

one of my friends had her kids there, 4 year old and 5 month old.
she asked if i wanted to hold the lil one, but i freaked out, i was so scared i would do something wrong, or she would start crying. i didnt know what to do or say to the 4 year old!
really hope i get better with babies and children
I remember that feeling so well, really makes me smile to read all your comments :D can't wait to be a Mummy for a second time! x x
You learn as you go on hunny. Trust me I was the same, I babysat for my sister while pregnant her 10 month old and 4 yr old. Was up and down like a yo yo with 4 yr old he wasn't playing ball I sat in his room till he fell asleep just kept getting out of bed trying to watch tele. The 10 month old just wanted bottles and cuddles but by midnight she was screaming for her mum and I was panicked x

Oh and I'm 22 was 21 when had leo x
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i hope ill be better with my own!

its funny, a couple of weeks ago, everyone was running around after me, suddenly, no one mentions it! lol, one extreme to the other!

screaming children annoy me soooo much, when i was in a&e once, someone brought in a crying baby, and i was so annoyed i started crying and had to leave.
quite worried about that....
I have had a few of these momments when you just think......wow i'm actually going to be a mummy how lucky are we :) xx

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