hee hee!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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My cousin has just come over to visit. She has a 4 week old baby. She is very olive skinned although of white ethnicity. Her other half appeared to be the same too although he doesnt know his dad....

Anyways, everyone has always commented on how dark the baby is and people that dont know her OH assume that he is African American or Asian or sommat which Becca (my cousin) has always laughed at because we all presumed that the baby was white through and through in terms of ethnicity and was just very dark as he has Beccas and her OH dark skin!

Well she took him to the docs today as he appeared to have bruising over his thigh and hip. Turns out its mongolian blue spot which is impossible to get if both parents are white...

So he is of another origin after all!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Becca now needs to go home and tell her OH and she is panicking that he will think the baby is some one elses!! But apparently his mum has never told him who his dad is so the darker skin colour must come from there!

I just find these things so mad. Its like my James has blue eyes and red hair and me and Alan both had greeny eyes and are fair to brownish hair!!

Anyone elses LO come out with surprising features??
Not mine, unfortunately Ella has most of my features :lol:

That's interesting about your cousin though, it's weird how things can skip a generation.

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