

Active Member
Dec 28, 2014
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For those suffering with heartburn, have you tried ranitidine tablets? I bought some own brand ones from Tesco but the insert says check with a GP for use during pregnancy (though NHS website says they are fine) so I asked my midwife and in response she got the GP to prescribe them for me. They are an absolute godsend! I take one at night and use the usual gaviscon and rennie during the day. Try them ladies :)
Yep, I'm taking them and they completely changed my life lol. I was really struggling before, now heartburn us something I don't have to worry about at all.

We sound like an advert don't we lol
LOL, Jessiecat, I guess we do. I really wish I'd known about them when I had my first. They are magic.
I'm using these too. They've made a huge difference. My midwife suggested them so not too worried about what the leaflet says, I think it's just their way of covering themselves :-)
Aw man I've been given these but I still have to take gaviscon two or three times during the night :( what time do you ladies take them?
Might have to look at getting some of this!! I won't be needing it for long but anything to help with the last couple weeks!!
Why did my GP not tell me about this?! I am just taking liquid gaviscon! Thanks for the info :)
Oh deffo going to try these. Iv really struggled with heartburn this time grrr x
The Tesco ones are £1.50 for 12 and are 75mg in strength whilst the ones the Dr prescribes are 300mg strength. TBH I found the 75mg ones worked fine and only started taking the stronger ones as they were free! But I guess you'd be safe to take up to 4 Tesco ones in one go (4x75mg=300mg) if needed, though I'm not medically qualified so best check with your midwife/GP first!
I started with horrendous acid reflux at about 18 weeks. They prescribed me gaviscon advance which didn't touch it and I suffered until last week at 33 weeks and they prescribed me 20mg omeprazole a day and it really has changed my life lol xxx
I have been prescribed omoperazole this pregnancy and it's brilliant! So annoyed they didn't offer it to me the first time around! X
Tri hopping, I asked at the pharmacy about ranitidine and was told I couldn't take it during pregnancy although reading different on the NHS site.
I asked my midwife who said Id have to ask my gp so I rang for an appointment with my gp the receptionist passed on a message and i was told they couldn't give me anything else other than what I'd tried tums, rennies or gaviscone :(
I'm beginning to think my doctors are poop ;(
Well that's a total lie! They just don't want to give you anything! This is what they told me in my first pregnancy , it's only that I had a condition called gastritis caused by excess heartburn attacks that inflamed my stomach lining that they gave me omoperazole so this time I requested it and they gave it to me no questions asked. X
Thanks roxyroo I knew they were just fobbing me off I might actually go down in person and get an appointment it's just so annoying the only advice they said is to prop myself up at bedtime how on earth do you go to sleep sitting up lol
Yeah definitely a lie. Ranitidine and omeprazole were my two options they could give me. I didn't care which i got as long as it took it away.
I had heartburn with my DD but I can't remember it being this bad absolutely nothing will take it away this time round .
I shall phone and ask for an appointment and see if they change there mind. I'm Getting that desperate I'm tempted to take OHs omeprazole but I don't know which strength is safe.
I take 20mg a day but my friend had hers upped to 40mg as it wasn't working as well as it should. Defo pester them, they infuriate me so much!!! X
I take 20mg too but the midwife did say if they didn't work to ring the surgery and speak to the dr about upping it to 40mg. Luckily to 20mg had worked fine xxx
Thank you ladies I went back down and got an appointment and she has prescribed me 150mg of ranitidine to take twice a day. I'm so relived fingers crossed to a good nights sleep :)

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